Annie herself Full Name: Annie Shakeel Address: 5648 Denfield Place City: Adamstown State: Maryland Age: 22-23 All socials I could find: Annie Shakeel (on facebook), anniedanni_ (instagram , tiktok) Pakistanishaqoniel (roblox), pakistanijaani annie2005. (epic games), annshakeel (xbox) Face: Annie’s Father Full Name: Muhammed Shakeel Address: 5648 Denfield Place City; Adamstown State: Maryland Age: 48 Only social I could find: Muhammed Shakeel (facebook) Number: 240-898-6551 Face: Annie’s Mother Full Name: Karyl Bailer Address: 5648 Denfield Place City: Adamstown State: Maryland Age: 38 I could not find any socials Number: 301-874-8475 I could not find any face pics I only doxxed this idiot because she decided she would try to date a 16 year old I know personally, and she tried to date other people under 18, even told a suicidal person to kill himself because he exposed her for stuff.