___     _                     ___             _         
                                                            /   \ __| | __ _  _ __        |   \  ___ __ __(_) __  ___
                                                            | - |/ _` |/ _` || '  \       | |) |/ _ \\ V /| |/ _|(_-/
                                                            |_|_|\__/_|\__/_||_|_|_|      |___/ \___/ \_/ |_|\__|/__/

                                         |   ||.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------.||   |
                                         | o |||                                                                                   ||| o |
                                         | _ |||                                                                                   ||| _ |
                                         |(_)|||      Ádám Dovics is a Child Predator                                              |||(_)|
                                         |   |||                                                                                   |||   |
                                         |.-.|||      Explanation:                                                                 |||.-.|
                                         | o |||      Set up a fake Instagram account for a 15-year-old "selling" nudes            ||| o |
                                         |`-'|||                                                                                   |||`-'|
                                         |   |||      The fake Instagram account:                                                  |||   |
                                         |.-.|||      https://ibb.co/1XhRMwX                                                       |||.-.|
                                         | o |||                                                                                   ||| o |
                                         |`-'|||      Proof Of him purchasing:                                                     |||`-'|
                                         |   |||      https://ibb.co/whRwMhR                                                       |||   |
                                         |.-.|||                                                                                   |||.-.|
                                         | O |||                                                                                   ||| O |
                                                _||_                                                                           _||_       
                                               /____\                                                                         /____\      
                                     / \-----------, 
                                     \_,|          | 
                                        |    Ádám  | 
                                        |  ,---------

                                    Full name:                                                  Ádám Dovics

                                    Country:                                                    Hungary
                                    State:                                                      Southern Great Plain
                                    City:                                                       Nagymágocs
                                    Postcode:                                                   6622
                                    Address:                                                    Nagymágocs, Kossuth Lajos u. 6, 6622 Ungarn
                                    Home town/Place of birth:                                   Szentes 6600 Hungary
                                    Email:                                                      titokdovics98@gmail.com
                                    Paypal:                                                     titokdovics98@gmail.com
                                    Hobbies:                                                    Nascar
                                                                                                Motorcycle Grand Prix
                                                                                                Rise of Kingdoms :skull:

                                    Job:                                                        CIB (Hungarian Bank)                       
                                    Job Phone Number:                                           +36 1 424 2242
                                    Job Website:                                                http://www.cib.hu/   
                                    Job Email:                                                  cib@cib.hu

                                     / \------------------, 
                                     \_,|                 | 
                                        |  Work Colleuges | 
                                        |  ,-----------------
                                                        / \-----------, 
                                                        \_,|          | 
                                                           |  Tamás   | 
                                                           |  ,---------

                                                              Full name:                         Tamás Bicsák
                                                              Pictures:                          https://ibb.co/b5Smdtp
                                                              Graduated High School from:        Piarista Gimnázium Kecskemét
                                                              Country:                           Hungary
                                                              City:                              Kecskemét
                                                              Home City:                         Kiskunfélegyháza

                                                        / \-----------, 
                                                        \_,|          | 
                                                           |  Gergő   | 
                                                           |  ,---------

                                                              Full name:                         Gergő Jakab
                                                              Pictures:                          https://ibb.co/zVfZXBf
                                                              Studied in Universities:           MATE Kaposvári Campus
                                                                                                 Pécsi Tudományegyetem
                                                              Country:                           Hungary
                                                              City:                              Budapest

                                                        / \-----------, 
                                                        \_,|          | 
                                                           |  Norbert | 
                                                           |  ,---------

                                                              Full name:                         Norbert Tóth

                                                              Pictures:                          https://ibb.co/M1sJyBd

                                                        / \-----------, 
                                                        \_,|          | 
                                                           |  Zsófi   | 
                                                           |  ,---------
                                                              LOL this nigga studied "digital data protection" in uni

                                                              Old Job:                           CIB Bank (Like the rest of them)#
                                                              New Job:                           Telekom HU (T Mobile)

                                                              Full name:                         Zsófi Barta
                                                              Birthday:                          8/10/????
                                                              Speaks:                            English, Hungarian, German
                                                              Married to:                        Bence Szikszai
                                                              Lives in:                          Szeged
                                                              Married in:                        Kecskemét

                                                              Universities:                      Óbudai Egyetem Keleti Károly Gazdasági Kar
                                                                                                 Studied Digital Data Protection Law at the University of Szeged Faculty of Law and Political Sciences




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                              l l          / / |         Ádám         |''|                                 `""----''          |-'       '-/  /   /
                               " \        / /  |        Dovics        |  |                                                  __|' '-  `- -/_ /  ,'
                               | |       / /    "-..__                |  |                                                 ,-'`- `-' '-'-'-| /  /
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