                             ( )_ 
 _ _     _ _ _ __   __   ___ |  _)
(  _ \ / _  )  __)/ __ \  _  \ |  
| (_) ) (_| | |  (  ___/ ( ) | |_ 
|  __/ \__ _)_)   \____)_) (_)\__)
| |   big thanks to AB and Jerry.                            

Context: Aymen has targeted me and my friends over stupid things, little did he know me and my friends had things against him already. i will provide pictures of his adventure being a pedo and liking minor nudes!

[!] Discord Username: wis_err (will probably change once he sees this lol)
[!] Roblox Username: xJ_xhy
[!] Full Name: Ayman Abdisalam
[!] Face Reveal #1: https://imgur.com/a/PwgK3fQ
[!] Face Reveal #2: https://imgur.com/a/4lOQXcK
[!] Face Reveal #3: https://imgur.com/a/uiz6wI1
[!] Phone Number: +252 63 7361888
[!] Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ayman.abdisalam/
[!] TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@branzzy_?_t=8e7iNpScgh3&_r=1
[!] Snapchat Username: randomranness
[!] Address: ! Not Yet Found !

           ( )     
   __      |/  ___ 
 / __ \ \/ ) /  __)
(  ___/)  (  \__  \
 \____)_/\_) (____/
(some of his ex girlfriends hooked me up wit their story's of their relationships. lets check them out!)

EX #1:

EX #2:

                         _     _             ___                   _         
                       _( )   (_ )         / ___)                _(_ )       
 _ _     _    ___  ___(_) |_   | |   __   | (__    _ _  ___ ___ (_)| | _   _ 
(  _ \ / _ \/  __)  __) |  _ \ | | / __ \ |  __) / _  )  _   _  \ || |( ) ( )
| (_) ) (_) )__  \__  \ | |_) )| |(  ___/ | |   ( (_| | ( ) ( ) | || || (_) |
|  __/ \___/(____/____/_)_ __/(___)\____) (_)    \__ _)_) (_) (_)_)___)\__  |
| |                                                                   ( )_| |
(_)                                                                    \___/ 

[!] Father Full Name: Abdulsalam Sheekh Ismail Abdullahi
[!] Father Face Reveal: https://imgur.com/a/uUwWHbx
[!] Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/abdisallaan

                                       _                 _                         
                                      ( )        _      ( )_                       
   __       _ _     _    ___   __    _| |  _ _  (_)  ___|  _)_   _ _ __   __   ___ 
 / __ \ \/ )  _ \ / _ \/  __)/ __ \/ _  | (  _ \| |/ ___) | ( ) ( )  __)/ __ \  __)
(  ___/)  (| (_) ) (_) )__  \  ___/ (_| | | (_) ) | (___| |_| (_) | |  (  ___/__  \
 \____)_/\_)  __/ \___/(____/\____)\__ _) |  __/(_)\____)\__)\___/(_)   \____)____/
           | |                            | |                                      
           (_)                            (_)                                      

[!] https://imgur.com/a/adG65d6
[!] https://imgur.com/a/75chAOx
[!] https://imgur.com/a/0HTjF2L
[!] https://imgur.com/a/tnvo2SG
[!] https://imgur.com/a/SIhZnou
[!] https://imgur.com/a/EFGVfnU
[!] https://imgur.com/a/RdPzZTY
[!] https://imgur.com/a/jeYQMmZ

[!] his "sorry" letter to his community (fake ass letter): https://imgur.com/a/fd2QRih

As of 7/17/23 he is now known as nuyorki
As of 7/20/23 he is now known as wis_err