** for the niggas claiming its "fake" : https://imgur.com/a/vE3azNY **

( i may be accepting payment for a removal of this?? starting @ 300usd | blu#5208 / Juicyjuice#9221 )

              Open The Gate To The Past. Live In The Future. Stay On Top. Blu Always Wins. 

Credits To These People For Assisting In This Paste :
hellish / federal / fed764
merc / fog / flower of death
blu / gypsy blu / cynical

reason for dox: leaking minors, pedophile (basically?), death threats, swat threats, calling his coonie goons to assist in his fake dox, being absolutely retarded and larping 64mil??
|            ______   ____  ____    ____    ___  ______      ____  ____   _____   ___  
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|             |__|  |__|__||__|\_||___,_||_____|  |__|      |____||__|__||__|    \___/ 
Pseudonyms: Rosmo, Russq, jordan, nvous.

Full GOV Name : Jordan Torres Martinez
State & City : Mountain View, California, USA
Location : 14772 Bear Creek Road, Mountain View, California
Age : 15
Gender : Male 
Phone Number : (all inactive, couldnt find any)
Email : jordanlovescheesecake1@gmail.com
House On Zillow : https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/14778-Bear-Creek-Rd-Boulder-Creek-CA-95006/16159953_zpid/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002331681488&mibextid=LQQJ4d
Facebook Profiles : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1088603256533557280/1088646003428700260/IMG_4432.png, https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1088603256533557280/1088646003919421520/IMG_4433.png, https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1088603256533557280/1088646002816331927/IMG_4431.png, https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1088603256533557280/1088646003126698004/IMG_4434.png
Edited Picture Of Him : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1088603256533557280/1088656136955244584/D583ED0D-9534-4997-B1C3-DEC09472D228.jpg
Actual Pictures : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1088603256533557280/1088656064255369257/oatmeal.png, https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1088603256533557280/1088656072040009798/67A806EB-74D7-4EEE-9856-4995B6265BAD.png, https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1088603256533557280/1088656128700846121/IMG_2233.jpg,https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1088603256533557280/1088656136955244584/D583ED0D-9534-4997-B1C3-DEC09472D228.jpg
Caught in 4k: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1088603256533557280/1088656033574043698/IMG_2188.png, https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1088603256533557280/1088656056579788800/image.png

|          ___ __  __ __ _ _ __   __
|         | __/  \|  V  | | |\ `v' /
|          |_| /\ | \_/ | | |_`. .' 
|         |_||_||_|_| |_|_|___|!_!  

Jossy Manuel Martinez, 
Kayline L Martinez, 
Kirsten M Martinez, 
Manuel M Martinez, 
Pilar G Martinez, 
Aleida C Martinez,
Alejandro M Martinez,
Alex Martinez, 
Carlos Alberto Martinez,
Carlos M Martinez, 
Carlos Antonio Martinez, 
Elizabeth C Martinez, 
Emelina Martinez, 
Jorge E Martinez, 
Jose B Martinez,
Jose Manuel Martinez, 
Karina Alonso Martinez, 
Lizzy N Martinez,
Manuel V Martinez, 
Maria E Martinez, 
Maria G Martinez, 
Maria D Martinez, 
Maykel Martinez, 
Migdalia Martinez, 
Richardson A Martinez, 
Rosa M Martinez, 
Rosa Eva Martinez, 
Yamile Martinez, 
Zoila Martinez
Allen R Teague, 
Arun Suresh, 
Alejandro L Melgar, 
Cristina C Guanche, 
Jean A Schneider,
Joseph A Schneider, 
Joseph A Schneider,
Manuel Diaz Godefoy,
Maria E Moore, 
Teresa S Fernandez

  c , _,{   Blu's Next Victim?
  /\  @ )                 __
 /  ^~~^\          <=.,__/ '}=
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(shitty dox, its a minor.. cant rlly do shit | go cry to mommy abt ur address being where it belongs dickhead)