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                        ᴘᴇᴅᴏᴘʜɪʟᴇ ʙɪɴɴᴇᴅ         
                ║ 1x1= Reason                                                ║
                ║ 1x2= Personal Information & Pictures                       ║                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
                ║ 1x3= Proof                                                 ║                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
                ║ 1x4= My Message To The Victim                              ║
                ║ 1x5= Socials                                               ║
          ║                               1x1 Reason                               ║
          ║ 1.................. Lies about his age to girls                        ║
          ║ 2.................. Manipulator and a Gaslighter                       ║
          ║ 3.................. Cheated on his Ex with a 16yr old                  ║
          ║ 4.................. Has esex with Minors                               ║
          ║ 5.................. Extorts girls for fun                              ║

          ║                   1x2 Personal Information & Pictures                  ║
          ║ Name................ Gabriel Andre Benjaminsen                         ║
          ║ Relationship Status. Single                                            ║
          ║ Race................ white                                             ║
          ║ Gender.............. Male                                              ║
          ║ Sexuality........... Straight                                          ║
          ║ Address............. Hornsbakken 17 8372 Gravdal Norway                ║
          ║ picture of house.... https://tinyurl.com/23epn7wf                      ║
          ║ Mobile Phone Number. 947 93 797                                        ║
          ║ Facebook,,,,,,,,,,,,  https://tinyurl.com/494znfs2                     ║
          ║ .......................................................................║
          ║    Pictures of Gabriel                                                 ║
          ║ 1..................  https://tinyurl.com/mskvse5u                      ║
          ║ 2..................  https://tinyurl.com/bfyyxm83                      ║

          ║                              1x3= Proof                                ║
          ║ 1. Proof of Age: https://tinyurl.com/56wpszjs                          ║
          ║ 2. Proof of name: https://tinyurl.com/mw8pwyyc                         ║
          ║ 3. Proof of extorts: https://tinyurl.com/26uptms2                      ║

          ║                       1x4= Message to Bitey                            ║
          ║ Don't be a Pedo, Ugly, Groomer and harass girls for esex. This is just ║
          ║ disgusting and you deserve anything that comes to you. GET FUCKED.     ║

          ║                              1x5= Socials                              ║
          ║ https://convict.live/                                                  ║
          ║ https://t.me/datadisruptor                                             ║
          ║ https://www.tiktok.com/@biteyzz                                        ║
          ║ https://www.facebook.com/ellen.benjaminsen.39/                         ║
