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just a normal dox tbh


                                          ┃       0x01 | Reasoning                                         ┃                                                                                    
                                          ┃       0x02 | Personal Information                              ┃                                                                                     
                                          ┃       0x03 | Social Medias                                     ┃                                                                                     
                                          ┃       0x04 | Phone Information                                 ┃
                                          ┃       0x05 | Fathers Credit Card Information                   ┃
                                          ┃       0x06 | Aliases                                           ┃                                 
                                          ┃       0x07 | Relatives Information                             ┃                                                                                     
                                          ┃       0x08 | Neighbors Information                             ┃
                                          ┃       0x09 | Property Information                              ┃
                                          ┃       0x10 | The End                                           ┃                                                                                                                                                                              


┃                                                       0x01 Reasoning                                                                                ┃                                                                                                               

Qasswar, a stupid retarded self-employed ISIS member aged 20, is harassing and threatening kids that are below age 15 through whatsapp.
Qasswars girlfriend is around 17 as well, so may consider him a pedophile? yes? goh daym qasswar!! more like starwars!!
He's also to be known for being very cocky, but when he gets beaten up he cries like a little bitch.
+ Claims that he's rich, "very rich" just because he has an IPhone X-11. But you live in a flat? OK SON!


┃                                                    0x02 Personal Information                                                                        ┃                                                                                                               
Full Name: Qasswar Baqer Al Kassam
Age: 20
DoB: 25 January 2001 (2001-01-25)
Height Range: 5'7 - 5'9
Ethnicity: Iraq/Arabian
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Relationship Status: Single
Zodiac sign: Aquarius
Ugly ass Face: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/857383926887874600/879298280901734450/video0.mov


Address:Kungsgårdsvägen 20, 1103
79141 FALUN
Postal Code: 79141
Coordinates: 60.6024, 15.6604
Country: Sweden
City: Falun
Province: Dalarna
State/County: Dalarna County
Municipality: Falun Municipality


Education: Studied - Kristinegymnasiets officiella sida
Studying at - Örebro University - Address: Fakultetsgatan 1, 702 81 Örebro, Sweden.
Örebro University Phone Number: +46 19 30 30 00


bro whos your barber lets go beat him up



┃                                                    0x03 Social Medias                                                                               ┃                                                                                                               
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/diorfibonacci/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/qasswar.alkassam
Another Facebook Account: https://www.facebook.com/qaswar25 (old facebook)

Brothers Social: https://www.facebook.com/jonas.kasam

Sisters Social: https://www.facebook.com/maryam.kassam.1

Dead Uncles Social: https://www.facebook.com/wisam.a.kassam

┃                                                    0x04 Phone Information                                                                           ┃                                                                                                               
Victim: 070-941-91 40 (NOT SECURED YET)
Phone Carrier: MNO - Tele2 Sverige AB
SSN: 20010125-XXXX


Father: 070-776-42 80 (VALID PHONE NUMBER)
Phone Carrier: MNO - Tele2 Sverige AB


Brother: 070-712-50 24 (NOT SECURED)
Phone Carrier: MNO - Tele2 Sverige AB



┃                                                       0x05 Fathers Credit Card Information                                                          ┃                                                                                                               

Credit Card Brand: Visa
Credit Card: 49•• •••• •••• 6208

┃                                                       0x06 Aliases                                                                                  ┃                                                                                                               


Old Alias - qassw5 - qasswar25 - qasswar
New Alias - diorfibonaci


┃                                                       0x07 Relatives Information                                                                    ┃                                                                                                               


Relatives that live with him:
Father: Noora Zuhair Subhi Al-Sheikh
Brother: Jonas Al Kassam (18)
Sister: Maryam Baqer Am Kassam - (Sister, 16.)
Mother: N/A, probably dead as well.

Family Relatives:
Hiba Al Kassam  (35)
Wisam Al Kassam (Currently Dead) 
Anders Svensson (45 years), Bandy player.
Anders Svensson (45 years), Football player.
Carey Hart (46 years old), American motocross freestyle rider.
David Hasselhoff (69 years old), American actor.
Pekka Heino (60 years), Host.
Regina Lund (54 years), Artist.
Solveig Ternström (84 years old), Actor.
Tash Hamilton (39 years old), Member of the British pop group Atomic Kitten.


Full Name: Noora Zuhair Subhi Al-Sheikh (Father)
Age: 42
DoB: 6 September 1979
Phone Number: 070-776-42 80
Phone Carrier: MNO - Tele2 Sverige AB
(International Dialing	46-70-7764280)
(Local Dialing	0-70-7764280)
Address: Kungsgårdsvägen 20 lgh 1103
791 41 Falun
Credit Card Brand: Visa
Credit Card: 49•• •••• •••• 6208


Full Name: Jonas Wisam Baqer Al Kassam (Brother)
Age: 18
DoB: 17 July 2003 (17.07.2003.)
Phone Number: 070-712-50 24 (NOT SECURED)
Socials: https://www.facebook.com/jonas.kasam


Full Name: Maryam Baqer Al Kassam
Age: 16
DoB: 12 February 2005
Phone Number: CENSORED
Socials: https://www.facebook.com/maryam.kassam.1


Full Name: Wisam Al Kassam (Uncle)
Alive Status: probably dead LOL!!!1
Socials: https://www.facebook.com/wisam.a.kassam


┃                                                       0x08 Neighbors Information                                                                    ┃                                                                                                               


Neighbors Information:
0 tr
Door 1
Left Side
Bo Christer Sundgren (74 years)
Phone Number: 070-314 16 43
Age: 74
DoB: 29 Juny 1947
Address: Kungsgårdsvägen 20 lgh 1001
791 41 Falun
Wife: Eva Birgitta Lindqvist
Age: 64
DoB: 3 Juny 1957
Phone Number: 070-364 74 96


Door 2
Left Side
Tommy Runcrantz (68 years)
Full Name: Bror Elis Tommy Runcrantz
Age: 68
DoB: 8 October 1952
Address: Kungsgårdsvägen 20 lgh 1002
791 41 Falun
Phone Number: 073-589 53 27


Door 3
Left Side
Full Name: Emelie Mikaela Elisabet Lindman
Age: 31
DoB: 2 August 1990
Address: Kungsgårdsvägen 20 lgh 1003
791 41 Falun
Phone Number: N/A


1 tr
Door 1
Left Side
Full Name: Rahmon Olanrewaju Opakunle
Age: 45
DoB: 1 August 1976
Address: Kungsgårdsvägen 20 lgh 1101
791 41 Falun
Phone Number: 076-255 60 90
Wife ----
Full Name: Anifat Olabisi Sokunbi
Age: 41
DoB: 12 April 1980
Phone Number: 076-249 13 41
Address: exactly the same



Door 2
Left Side
Full Name: Maud Regina Björklund
Age: 71
DoB: 7 April 1950
Address: Kungsgårdsvägen 20 lgh 1102
791 41 Falun
Phone Number N/A


Door 3
Left Side *TARGETS*
Noora Zuhair Subhi Al-Sheikh (42 years)
Qasswar Baqer Al Kassam (20 years)
Jonas Al Kassam (18 years)
Maryam Baqer Al Kassam (16 years)


2 tr
Door 1
Right Side
Full Name: Mats Olav Jakobsson
Age: 64
DoB: 15 November 1956
Phone Number: 076-119 84 01.


Door 2
Right Side
Full Name: Hanieh Imani
Age: 26
DoB: 26 January 1995
Address: Kungsgårdsvägen 20 lgh 1202
791 41 Falun
Phone Number N/A
Full Name: Omid Jafari
Age: 26
DoB: 28 March 1995
Phone Number: N/A


Door 3
Right Side
Full Name: Wadah Soukar
Age: 51
DoB: 6 February 1970
Phone Number: N/A
Address: Kungsgårdsvägen 20 lgh 1203
791 41 Falun
Full Name: Zouha Shhebar
Age: 37
DoB: 1 May 1984
Address: exactly the same
Phone Number: N/A


┃                                                       0x09 Property Information                                                                     ┃                                                                                                               

█▀▀ █▀█ █▀█ █▀▀ █░░ █▀▀   ▀█▀ █▀█ ▄▀█ █▄░█ █▀ █░░ ▄▀█ ▀█▀ █▀▀ █▀▄
█▄█ █▄█ █▄█ █▄█ █▄▄ ██▄   ░█░ █▀▄ █▀█ █░▀█ ▄█ █▄▄ █▀█ ░█░ ██▄ █▄▀                                                         


About the residence
4 rum, 94½ m²
SEK 5,205 / month
Housing type
Energy class
BRF New Grenades


┃                                                       0x10 The End...                                                                               ┃                                                                                                               

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╚══██╔══╝██║░░██║██╔════╝  ██╔════╝████╗░██║██╔══██╗░░░░░░░░░
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