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║ # 0x01 # Introduction............................║
║ # 0x02 # Personal Information....................║
║ # 0x03 # Social Medias...........................║
║ # 0x04 # Reasons.................................║
║ # 0x01 # Introduction............................║
"Hello there kind user's of doxbin, and welcome to the introduction of devilish’s Offical DOX,"
devilish is a call of duty mobile cheate who thinks he is so cool, but in reality he’s so fucking poor and needs to scam kids"."
"Either way, let's continue this ("Post") shall we?, and shut up devilish for good ;)"
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║ # 0x02 # Personal Information....................║
// #Personal_Information
<:"Legal_Name":> Nano (W.I.P)
<:"Birth_Of_Date":> (W.I.P)
<:"Current Registered Address":> Noordmolendwarsstraat 28C, 3035 WH Rotterdam, Netherlands
<: “A picture: https://imgur.com/a/hSL5Qtv“ :>
<:"Phone_Number":> +31614581590 (his current)
// #Registered_Email's
# agario.hitx@gmail.com (Used for 85% of his Mail Activity)
// #Known_Password’s
# (W.I.P)
// #Dumps_From_Mobile
# SMS: https://anonfiles.com/3eebt1i2p6/SMS_db
# CONTACTS: https://anonfiles.com/t3gbtei9p6/contacts_sqlitedb
# NOTES: https://anonfiles.com/7dh2t3i5p5/notes_sqlite
# KEYCHAINS: https://anonfiles.com/Jak3t5i9p4/keychain-2_db
# CAMERAROLL: https://anonfiles.com/9bs2t3i7p4/ifbfav_zip
║ # 0x03 # Social Medias...........................║
// #Irrelevant_Kid
║ Twitter: https://twitter.com/not applicable......║
// #Make_Sure_To_Tweet_At_Him_With_This_Post
║ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/devilish (DELETED) (20k subs) .....║
║ Instagram: (W.I.P) ...........................║
║ # 0x04 # Reasons.................................║
// #Reason_1; He’s too egotistical
// #Reason_2; He scammed a close friend out of $300
// #Reason_3; He is just a genuine piece of shit