				➤ Informações Pessoais:
				➪ Nome: Tiago Gastão Ferreira Aguiar
				➪ DOB: 31/01/2005
				➪ Morada: Rua Bairro Do Portugal 110, 4470-580 Maia - PT
				➪ NIF: 266385087
				➪ Telefones: +351 913 239 023, +351 910 911 244
				➤ E-mails:
				➪ lowaayfoda@gmail.com
				➪ lowaay001@gmail.com
				➪ lowaay002@gmail.com
				➪ lowaayfortnite@gmail.com
				➪ lowaayfortnite5@gmail.com
				➪ lowaayfortnite6@gmail.com
				➪ lowaayfortnite7@gmail.com
				➪ lowaayfortnite9999@gmail.com
				➪ 17boosts@gmail.com
				➪ realhvhgod@gmail.com
				➪ hvhiseasy@gmail.com
				➪ rpseriotuga666@gmail.com
				➪ queimeiumpreto@gmail.com
				➪ delamuradiscord@gmail.com
				➪ delamuraNEGOCIOS@gmail.com
				➤ Senhas:
				➪ tiagoo05
				➪ Tiagoo05
				➪ Tiagoo05!
				➪ delamura00
				➪ delamura000
				➪ delamura001
				➪ delamurarei
				➪ delamurarei1999
				➪ Delamura00

				➤ Pics:
				➪ https://z.zz.fo/WQhDr.png (portista's cringiest moment with sis)
				➪ https://z.zz.fo/c9v2R.png (delakid after finding weed for the first time)
				➪ https://z.zz.fo/BC8SS.png (reacting to sunlight after not coming out for a few years)
				➪ https://z.zz.fo/qpK7f.png (emo going to a concert for the first time)
				➪ https://z.zz.fo/Bl2ab.png (city's new security guard)
				➪ https://z.zz.fo/4ctLH.png (business man in a lgbt convent)
				➪ https://z.zz.fo/hJoIO.png ("i would prefer to be at home scamming my friends" face)
				➪ https://z.zz.fo/MMuI3.png (getting ready to become a gay porn actor)
				➪ https://z.zz.fo/yl0SI.png (questioning the existence of santa claus)
				➪ https://z.zz.fo/u9vhO.png (delamonkey in its natural habitat)
				➪ https://z.zz.fo/KpHRa.png (wondering what a life with friends would be like)
				➪ https://cdn-101.anonfiles.com/Rbc0S1k8y3/d810a575-1653776611/d.png (cringy love story bonus)