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                                                                    1.: Reason  
                                                                    2.: Personal Info
                                                                    3.: Social Media
                                                                    4.: Final Notes     
1.: Reason 

Bro logs people, thinks he's the best and not doxable
Proof: Worldclient Staff getting logged: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1002991676803006536/1043600444242542642/image.png
        The Loggers: https://vrmodels.store/user/alyff/

2.: Personal Info
full name - Damien Johnson
dob - 4/06/1999
emails - damiensagod@gmail.com, d@god.wtf, djohnson69901@gmail.com, djohnson1337@live.com
phone number - 3176947688
address - 216 Serenity Cir, Anderson, IN 46013, US

3.: Social Media
social medias - dazx#2050, https://steamcommunity.com/id/declaw, https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCJpmfwHH1TFeshyV_UuATPA, https://www.roblox.com/users/186864386/profile, https://www.roblox.com/users/28824290/profile, https:/
/www.twitter.com/declawer, snapchat - bruises, kik - CPU, https://www.twitter.com/TutGangGang
passwords - Reggie24, reggie2424

Discord:dazx#2050 762736423668809738

4.: Final Notes
If u read this u fucking nigger, u got what u deserved. Stop fucking logging people and this would have happend

