Name: Kamari Banks Jones VRChat name: NSFW Bubble Girlfriends vrcname: Darkbubbles (possible government name, Violet) IP: Country: USA State: Pensylvania Address: 209 South Street, New Bethlehem, PA 16242 Phone modle: (Iphone 9,1 iOS 15.4.1: gzip) grpc-c++/1.33.2 grpc-c/13.0.0 (ios; cornet_https) Grandmothers name: Lydia Russell Short story: Kamari cheated on his ex gf "N" with a 35 year old woman. Left N for another female that N had begged him to block for over a year. Was toxic, mentally and verbally abusive. (massive narcissist) Is 19 and is now dating a 16 year old. Most likely managed to delete N's discord account. Hacked N's snap and leaked her nudes on her story and sent it to people. Long story: Kamari Banks Jones is a 19 year old male who was born on the 15th February 2004, He used to me a big player in vrc cheating from left to right until he met a girl well call N (bday 18th June 2006). They stared talking on September 17 2021. They were in the talking stage for a long time because he wouldn't commit, yet he asked her for nudes and when he didn't receive any he asked N if he could "date" other girls to use them for nudes, one of which was his ex gf. She said yes because she didn't him to leave (he had threatened that he would leave her if she either didn't send him anything or let him get it from others) They started dating officially on June 11 2022, and somewhere either before or after it was official he had slept with a 35 year old woman behind N's back. He guilt tripped her into thinking it was okay and that he was forced to, despite him even telling N he had a choice to not do it. He was friends a girl named Darkbubbles (his now gf, born sometime later in the year than N but also born in 2006) and she was trying to homewreck N and kamari for more than a year, she also sent Kamari a nude picture that he didn't tell N about until later on. He either didn't realize or didn't care that she was trying to ruin the relationship, because when N begged him to please block her, he refused. The whole relationship was very toxic because Kamari is a huge narcissist. At the end Kamari left N because apparently she had changed (his words) one thing he didn't tell her was that Darkbubbles had been at his place for the past 2 weeks. He told N around a week after the breakup (they had decided to stay friends and possibly get back together again in the future) He said he would still want to travel and visit N and possibly make up when seeing each other. An argument started and they lost contact, around a week later if not less, Kamari started dating Darkbubbles, she posted videos about N on her tiktok, making fun of her for not being able to eat for a week after the breakup because of the heartbreak. She would post hate comments on N's tiktok and Instagram aswell. Pretty sure both Kamari And Darkbubbles managed to delete N's discord account back in March/April, and now today on the 7th may 2023 Kamari and most likely his girlfriend by his side, hacked into N's snapchat account, posted her nudes on her story, blocked a bunch of people and sent her nudes to almost her whole snap. Remind you N is still a minor, so that counts as CP. Speaking of which Kamari would complain that he felt like a pedo, because there was a "three year difference". They started talking at 15 and 17, dating at 18 and 15(days away from 16) N would tell him that it was fine because it started then they were both minors, also N is only 2years and 4months younger, you can only count it as a three year difference if its 2years and 6+ months, Darkbubbles is again born later in the year than N which would make it a "three year difference" Kamari and her started dating when he was already 19 and her 16. Darkbubbles also lies about her age, claiming to be 18.