@polylingual - dark.#9868's dox.

(I made this dox in like 10m, so idc if it's short. If you want you can make a bigger dox if you take the time.)
|0x01 Reason		  |
|0x02 Personal Information|
|0x03 Socials 		  |
|0x04 Family		  |

0x01 - Reason - 0x01
This kid has the biggest fucking ego ever and is fucking harmless and dedicates his entire life to dickriding people for fame. Thinks he's known in the community for having a *good* name while nobody likes this kid (even his own friends hate him). Also never goes outside and maintains his obese life in discord.

0x02 - Personal Information - 0x02

Full Name ; Rebuz Renz
Country ; Sweden
(unsure) Address ; Redargatan 5 / Prästgatan 68
City ; Stockholm 
Face pic ; https://ibb.co/mRcSYbD
Face pic 2 ; https://ibb.co/HVZvLCn (with a fake gun LOL?)

0x03 - Socials - 0x03

Discord ; @polylingual - dark.#9868 - 921099394005217320
YT ; @dark-pw4ce - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNoUAVG5YNw_3jC1fCuMTjQ

0x04 - Family - 0x04

(unsure) Mom's Full Name: Eleonora Renz
(unsure) Mom's age: 26y		
(unsure) Father's Full Name: Robert Renz
(unsure) Father's Full Name: 58y

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Checkmate, Rebuz.