


Happy recently passed birthday!


0. Personality
I. Main info 
... Ia. Appearance
... Ib. Photos
... Ic. Personal identificators
... Id. Locations
II. Contacts 
III. Education
IV. Game info
V. Relatives 
VI. Other info


0. About personality

Reason (eng): Vain m***edrone wh*re with risk of betraying slavic genetic fund. This is not the first post on her.

Причина (rus): Самовлюблённая мефовая ш***а, которая так ещё и косит под чернильницу и до неё не с первого докса доходит. При встрече пинать и бить по её чсв!


I. Basic information

Full name (rus): Баскакова Дарья Михайловна
Full name (eng): Baskakova Daria Mikhailovna
Birth date: 14.01.2005 | 01/14/2005

Ia. Description of appearance
Ethnicity: East-Slavic
Height: 175 cm
Hair color: dark red
Natural hair color: brown

Ib. Photos (i know that u like this)

Ic. Personality identificators and documents
Birth certificate number: 1мн500307
Individual insurance account number (SNILS): 19145994410

Id. Locations
[1] Moscow, Pulkovskaya, 3k3, 364 (from database)
[2] Moscow, Dybenko str., 8 (from database)
[3] Smolensk, Dzerzhinskogo, 9 (instagram photo)


II. Information about contacts

[1] https://vk.com/id457875715 (main)
╚ Registration time: 19.11.2017 | 11/19/2017 | 17:49:35
[2] https://vk.com/id815039478 (main irl)
╚ Registration time: 30.07.2023 | 07/30/2023 | 19:50:42
[3] https://vk.com/id434108673 (deactivated)
╚ Registration time: 20.06.2017 | 06/20/2017 | 12:52:02
[4] https://vk.com/id371676872 (inactive)
╚ Registration time: 27.06.2016 | 06/27/2016 | 08:10:53
[5] https://vk.com/id322566554 (inactive)
╚ Registration time: 09.09.2015 | 09/09/2015 | 16:07:58
[6] https://vk.com/id763980129 (fake)
╚ Registration time: 21.11.2022 | 11/21/2022 | 13:17:15

[1] https://ok.ru/profile/594647146290
╚ Registration time: 15.01.2021 | 01/15/2021

[1] https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100053566371276

[1] https://instagram.com/pathra3500 
╚ id 8160113436
[2] https://instagram.com/face1ess_pathra
╚ id 52082122192

[1] https://t.me/YabiH0t1lymer3t
╠ Phone number: +79774019147
╚ id 794788424

Phone number:
[1] +79774019147

Emails and associated profiles:
[1] evan_macmillan@mail.ru
╚╦ Google account
  ║ ╚╦ GAIA id: 118207039186338580843
  ║   ╚ YouTube: https://youtube.com/channel/UC80z4KcDzRHQEc1c940rxSA
  ╠ Skype account
  ║ ╚╦ Username: live:evan_macmillan_1
  ║   ╚ Avatar: https://avatar.skype.com/v1/avatars/live:evan_macmillan_1/public
  ╠ Pinterest account
  ║ ╚ Username: evan_macmillan
  ╠ AskFm account
  ║ ╚ Username: xez_pathra   
  ╚ ICQ
     ╚ Profile: https://icq.im/evan_macmillan@mail.ru
[2] pathra3500@gmail.com
╚╦ Google account
  ║ ╚╦ GAIA id: 108143872719875013083
  ║   ╚ Phone number: +79774019147
  ╚ Pinterest account
     ╚ Username: pathra3500
[3] stud_baskakova_d@sh1315.ru
╠ school-associated email, which is deleted due to Daria's graduation
   ╚ Profile: https://icq.im/stud_baskakova_d@sh1315.ru


III. Informarion about education

Russian State University of Justice
╠ Address: Novocheremushkinskaya str., 69
╠ Website: rgup.ru
╠ Phone number:
║ ╚ [1] +74953325555
╚ Email:
   ╚ [1] evv@rsuj.ru

School 1315, Moscow
╠ Address: Konakovskiy, 5
╠ Website: https://sch1315s.mskobr.ru/
╠ Phone numbers:
║ ╠ [1] +74994570404
║ ╚ [2] +74994570375
╚ Email:
     ╚ [1] 1315@edu.mos.ru


IV. In-game information

Steam profile:
[1] https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198980330098
╚ Registration time: 27.07.2019 | 07/27/2019


V. Information about relatives


Full name (rus): Баскакова Мария Андреевна
Full name (eng): Baskakova Maria Andreevna
Birth date: 22.02.1978 | 02/22/1978

Passport number: 4504132619
Individual insurance account number (SNILS): 05337597478

[1] https://vk.com/id265738042
╚ Registration time: 18.08.2014 | 08/18/2014 | 14:57:44
[1] https://ok.ru/profile/296051932880
[1] id 597777209
Phone numbers:
[1] +79154788262
[2] +79197657630
[1] marbask@gmail.com
╚╦ Google account
  ║ ╚╦ GAIA id: 
  ║   ╚ Phone number: +79154788262
  ╠ Skype account #1
  ║ ╚╦ Username: live:marbask_1
  ║   ╚ Avatar: none
  ╚ Skype account #2
   ╚╦ Username: starina_hank
     ╚ Avatar: none


VI. Other information

Administrated groups:
[1] https://vk.com/club192597722
[2] https://vk.com/club160709052
[3] https://vk.com/club136296048


Info by @internetscourge | tg/vk @vaiennetuttc