Just a short paste I belive that Kristian raped 2 children and also gave them drugs also such as amfetamin. This case is about Kristian (28) and two girls (12, 13) He started abusing rape with two children all back in 2020. He raped the 12 year old back in early 2022 and kept her at his place for three months In 2020 Kristian was 28 years old, later on He was threatening the girls to tell their parents about this situation and abuse. While together with the 13 and 12 year old he threatened to kill them if they did something. There is a video on this case about the two children begging for him to stop him drugging them. He finally got caught in 2022 by Vestjyllands Politi and got sentences about only 3 years in prison for sex with underage children. In 2023 He claimed that he also raped and drugged a 13 year old while she was delivering newspaper in Kirkerup. Full name, Kristian Mossin Langgaard Country: Denmark City: Nykøbing Mors Adress: Bangsgade 4 7900, Age: 32 (currently) [he was 28 when abusing] Phone number: +45 40 12 17 56 Adress: https://map.krak.dk/?c=56.771353,8.755417&z=11&q=%22Bangsgade%204%207900%20Nyk%C3%B8bing%20M%22;wp https://oblique.boligsiden.dk/address/0a3f50c5-3a89-32b8-e044-0003ba298018/oblique?direction=s Social accounts: https://www.facebook.com/kristian.langgaard https://www.instagram.com/langgaardkristian/?hl=da Articel/News on this case: https://www.dr.dk/nyheder/indland/32-aarig-tiltalt-emilie-meng-drab https://www.bt.dk/krimi/mand-idoemt-tre-aars-faengsel-for-voldtaegt-af-to-piger-paa-12-og-13-gav-hash-og If you want info on his family i recommend you go on his socials.