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                              ║ teg:       crosslit/e#1989           ║
                              ║ id:       693860183461331004         ║                                  
Nothing is impossible, even if you live outside the CIS and use virtual phone numbers                                                  
┼                                     Victim Information                                        ┼
Full name : Вячеслав Вуйчик Александрович
Date of Birth : 09.03.2003
Identity document : AFH755436 / 8609291577127293
Driving license: 64040738293 A/B SP006168
Medical policy: SYS250643079
Number phone: +48662911988
Registration address: Лешно 14, д1, кв17 Варшава
Residential address: ул. Розы Люксембург 109а, д3, кв 43 Минск
Study: Минск, Рабкоровская ул., 17
Bank card: 5391 2320 6127 9498 06/32 448

┼                                   Mother's Information                                        ┼
Full name : Алла Вуйчик Аврамова
Date of Birth : 11.02.1972
Identity document : DFC744387 / 5472946672900114
Driving license: 53257600128 A/B DM018871
Medical policy: SYS665300926
Number phone: +48663278450
Registration address: улица Огродова, 5, Бяла-Подляская, Люблинское воеводство
Residential address: Лешно 14, д1, кв17 Варшава
Place of work: ул. Карла Либкнехта, 68
Job title: Стоматолог хирург
Bank card: 4381 2000 0078 5436 06/24 615
┼                                       Brother's Information                                   ┼
Full name : Сергей Вуйчик Александрович
Identity document : DFC744387 / 5472946672900114
Date of Birth : 07.04.2005
Medical policy: SYS665300926
Number phone: +48663278970
Registration address: Лешно 14, д1, кв17 Варшава
Residential address: Лешно 14, д1, кв17 Варшава
Study: Варшава, улица Виленьская, 18
Bank card: 4567 1300 0001 1892 03/29 432

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                             .'___|/ /____/'/'   __/|    All information was found with the help of manual skills and verified in the official registers of Poland.
                             /~  __        `\ /~~, /'     I will post social networks, relatives, personal files and extracts if the outcome of the conflict is not satisfactory.
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