she has 2 instagrams if u wanna check em i think their private idk didnt care to check: Mulabarbie.d
so for information. she does or has done the following.
lied about having cancer. cheats. is a manipulative pos.
Lied abt and age name. blamed her suicidal problems on my friend.
stole over 300 usd from him and my friend dropped charges. 
had her goons attack my friend and threatened to have him killed.
she herself told my friend to kill himself. 
for some screenshots of other stuff.
so thats just a little bit of it if you give a damn, anywho 

14875 N Chalfont Dr Baton Rouge, LA 70819, USA
her name: Devyn Monyia Mcelveen  birthday is 07-04-2007 
again idk if you care but here are some emails? do what u want ig???? 
her moms name is: Betty McElveen
all this follows TOS and yah everything's accurate she deserves it