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                                                       .?5PBBBBBBGGGPP5YJ???7??JJJYY55!         |     *Clown Music Plays*       |
                                                      .75GB##############BBGPY?7????J?.         |  Hey! I'm Dimitri Velasquez   |                
                                                     75PGBBBB#BBB########B####B5777!^           |   And welcome to my circus!   | 
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                                                   .7???7!~:             .^~~~.                                    

║                           PERSONAL INFORMATION                              ║
Name...................... Dimitri Velasquez
Known as.................. control5m
Age....................... 17
Current Address........... 2640 Hope Street, Huntington Park, CA, USA
Email Address(es)......... dimitrivelasquez32@gmail.com
IP Address................

                                                    .::::::::::.        DOXXED BY        .::::::::::.
                                                  .::::''''''::::.      DETECTIVE      .::::''''''::::.
                                                .:::'          `::::....          ....::::'          `:::.
                                               .::'             `:::::::|        |:::::::'             `::.
                                              .::|               |::::::|_ ___ __|::::::|               |::.
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                                                    `::::::::::'                          `::::::::::'


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                                                                        __/ |                        | |                 
                                                                       |___/                         |_|       

Rosemarie Velasquez
Born September 1993 (31 years old) 
Address: 2640 HOPE ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA, 90255
SSN: 549478770
Phone Numbers: 972-486-4358, 323-588-7629
Associates: Alberto Velasquez


[                                                                                                       ]

Esther L. Velasquez
Address: 2640 HOPE ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA, 90255
Phone Numbers: 972-486-4358, 323-588-7629, ‪213-453-3255‬
Associates: Rosemarie Velasquez

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[                                                                                                       ]

Anamiryam S. Valdovinos
Born January 1976 (49 years old) 
Phone Numbers: 323-562-1027, 323-581-3722
Email Addresses: miryamvaldoinos@hotmail.com
Address: 2640 HOPE ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA, 90255
Associates: Miryam Valdovinos


[                                                                                                       ]

Alberto Velasquez
Born December 1971 (53 years old
Phone Numbers: 323-588-7629, 213-588-7629
Email Addresses: rosie_212@yahoo.com
Address: 2640 HOPE ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA, 90255
Associates: Albert Velasquez, Cain Velasquez


[                                                                                                       ]

Cain Velasquez
Phone Numbers: 323-588-7629
Email Addresses: cainwild@netscape.net
Address: 2640 HOPE ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA, 90255
Associates: Esther Velasquez

⠀#          ⠀⠀⠀⠁⠀⠉⠿⠿⢿⣿⣻⣿⡇⡿⠁⢠⣿⣽⣤⣦⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⢸⣿⣿⣧⣧⠈⣿⠙⣽⢣⣿⣿⡳⣜⠯⣵⢺⡟⠚⢵⢠⡀⠀

[                                                                                                       ]

Charlie Velasquez
Born January 1986 (39 years old) 
Phone Numbers: 323-588-7629
Email Addresses: rosie_212@yahoo.com
Address: 2640 HOPE ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA, 90255
Associates: Cain Velasquez (54)


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67241644,tbx-97527523a16115-4f0bef,2023-10-03T04:28:35+00:00,Complete,globalcards,control5m,7266814,21.00,0.00,USD,"Dimitri Velasquez",,US,dimitrivelasquez32@gmail.com,,,,174961:5803157:14.00,,,,21.00


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