------------------------------------------------------------------------ __ /\_\ ___ ____ __ __ __ _ \/\ \ /'___\ /',__\ /'__`\ /'__`\ /\ \/'\ \ \ \/\ \__//\__, `\/\ \L\.\_/\ \L\.\_\/> $$ $$ | $$| $$$$$$$ /$$$$$$$/| $$$$$$$| $$$$$$$ /$$/\ $$ |__/ \_______/|_______/ \_______/ \_______/|__/ \__/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIO : Максим Оставненко Едуардович phone number : +380508279912 birthday : 10.09.2007 Adrres : 56500, Миколаївська, Вознесенськ, вул.Сучкова, 15 Vk : https://vk.com/id550398573 Foto : https://sun9-9.userapi.com/c849124/v849124784/139b6d/wG0W45P3V4w.jpg?ava=1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mother Fio : Людмила Оставненко Николаевна number : 79637520714 mail : ludmila.kh75@gmail.com Passport number: EX137115 Address: old (Registration - 56500, Mykolaivska, Voznesensk, Suchkova vul., 15), new (Street: Sovetskaya 15 apt. 49, City: Moscow) date of birth: 06/26/1976 ok.ru : https://ok.ru/lyudmila.ostavnenko --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dad Full name: Ostavnenko Eduard Borisovich number:+380505883694 mail: Eduard_ostavnenk@mail.ru Address: MIKOLAIVSKA REGION, M. VOZNESENSK, VUL. SUCHKOVA, 15 date of birth:01/01/1971 odnk: https://ok.ru/eduard.ostavnenko VK: https://vk.com/id310419202 passport:129831231 INN:2593315410 University: NSU (formerly AVV Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, KhVVUT Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR) Driver's license: НІА196038 - 10/16/2004 - B -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brother Full name: Ostavnenko Denis Eduardovich date of birth:11/15/1997 Address: GR 65023 ODESSA NEZHINSKAYA 48, 15 Phone: +380507756782 INN:3574801316 passport:125138658