Ricardo is a predator a minor met on discord in 2022. She was a freshman in high school while he was a senior, he made several sexual comments towards her and never
pushed her away from him. They both had recently made contact again January of this year, while the girl was a sophomore in high school and he was a freshman in
college. He manipulated and groomed this young girl into sending him nude/explicit pictures of herself/her body, and sent her explicit messages in Spanish. 
He then left her and the girl remained attached, heis now dating another girl who attends his college, but cheats on her with random girls that he meets on 
discord without asking them for their age. Recently, when the girl told his girlfriend about everything, the girlfriend blamed the girl for "tempting" him. Then, 
a couple days ago Ricardo unblocked the girl's phone number and made several threats and disgusting comments about the girl's parents (knowing that the girl suffers 
from mental health issues and has familial problems). The girl called the police yet they said they couldn't do anything due to a lack of evidence, and she 
reported him to his university yet they haven't responded yet.

Any help with ruining this disgusting motherfucker's life is appreciated.

NOTE: Please do NOT shame the minor in this situation, she had no idea what she was doing and her parents barely look after her.

Full name: Ricardo G. Sanchez Terrasa
Phone number: 912-386-6520
Country: USA
Address: 1818 Chandler Rd Apt. 40-2 Statesboro, GA 30458
State: Georgia
School info: Georgia Southern University (Statesboro Campus, 1332 Southern Dr, Statesboro, GA 30458)
School phone #: (912) 478-4636
Major: Programming/Comp Sci./Cybersecurity
Instagram, TikTok, Discord: iyuashi 
Age: 18, turning 19 on (Oct. 5th)
Background: Puerto Rican, has a high school age sister and mother works for the government. (Mother and sister live in Puerto Rico.)

Girlfriend info:
Full name: Jazmin Tamayo
Age: 18
Major: Criminology
School: Same as Ricardo, same campus
Instagram: Jazzy.xxt
TikTok: Balisticaqwq
Twitter/X: Boo_0qwq (Previous to Ricardo dating her, this skank posted her nudes on twt for everyone to see and posted audios of herself moaning/sucking dildos)
Background: Mexican, has 2 sisters
Eldest sister: Jess Corza, age range 27-29
jesscorza on TikTok and Instagram
Youngest Sister: Kristy, age range 16-18
Socials: Keiivui on Instagram
Mother: Laura Espinoza (lauradeliaespi on Instagram)

P.S: The minor is also at potential risk of meeting this man, since he stalked her social media and found out where she lives and where she goes to school.
(He admitted it on a voice call with the girl.)