Translate to english
Gjorgji Nastov lives in a terraced house in Västerås with telephone number 073-946 94 XX. He lives with Jasminka Nastova. His birthday is January 21st. His terraced house is valued at approximately SEK 4,290,000.
Gjorgji lives with Jasminka Nastova
Jasminka Nastova also lives in the terraced house on Hörntorpsvägen 30.
Gjorgji's previous addresses
Gjorgji Nastov previously lived at Nygårdsgatan 18 in Västerås. He has also lived at Kungsfågelgatan 21 in Västerås.
Gjorgji's birthday is January 21. Receive an SMS reminder a few days before.¨
39-year-olds in Västerås earn SEK 1,000 less than the average in Sweden. With Lönekollen you can find out how much Gjorgji earns from his job and what other income he has.

DAD ^^

Jasminka Nastova lives in a terraced house in Västerås. She lives with Gjorgji Nastov. Her birthday is November 25th. Her terraced house is valued at approximately SEK 4,290,000. Address | The population register

Hörntorpsvägen 30
724 71 Västerås
Jasminka Nastova will turn 39 in about 7 months
Jasminka's birthday is November 25th. Receive an SMS reminder a few days before.

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Jasminka Nastova's birthday is November 25
Jasminka lives with Gjorgji Nastov
Gjorgji Nastov also lives in the terraced house on Hörntorpsvägen 30.
Jasminka's previous addresses
Jasminka Nastova previously lived at Nygårdsgatan 18 in Västerås. She has also lived at Kungsfågelgatan 21 in Västerås. ´
