$$\       $$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\  $$$$$$\  
$$ |      $$  _____|\____$$  |\_$$  _|$$  __$$\ 
$$ |      $$ |          $$  /   $$ |  $$ /  \__|
$$ |      $$$$$\       $$  /    $$ |  \$$$$$$\  
$$ |      $$  __|     $$  /     $$ |   \____$$\ 
$$ |      $$ |       $$  /      $$ |  $$\   $$ |
$$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ \$$$$$$  |
\________|\________|\________|\______| \______/ 

John confirmed the name "Wagness" and tried to discredit us for the address but ended up digging himself deeper in lies because the same "random lovejoy" street he "doesn't know" was found on his google accounts reviews and was stored on the same Microsoft account as the selfie and John Wagness name 😂😂😂😂

Reviews: https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/104052129395591925165/reviews (This has been archived through multiple sites so if he deletes it we will provide an archive link)

[======== John ========]

Name: John Wagness
Age: 20 (as of aug 15 20:38)
DOB: Unknown (presumably 20th of february 2004, unconfirmed)

Address: 1720 NW Lovejoy St Room #348
City: Portland
State: Oregon
Country: US

His socials:
Roblox: https://www.roblox.com/users/4820316418/profile
Twitter: https://x.com/rbxXlXi
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/rbxXlXi
Github: https://github.com/kylegg



[======== Family & Associates ========]

[======== MOTHER ========]

Name: Dorothy M Wagness
Age: 57
Address: 1720 NW Lovejoy St Room #348, Portland, Oregon
Phone Numbers:
- (330) 628-1643 Last reported in August of 2010
- (330) 733-3247 Last reported in July of 2008
- (330) 794-1127 Last reported in March of 2016
- (330) 794-9804 Last reported in March of 2016
- (733) 324-7 Last reported in November of 2000
Other Observed Names:
- Dorothy A Wagness
- Dorothy Wagness
- Dorothy M Doe
- Dorothy Doe
- Dorothy Mdoe
Email Addresses:
- dorothy.wagness@comcast.net
- dwagness4318@sbcglobal.net
- dorithwagnessy2004@yahoo.com
- dcarelady@yahoo.com
- Kyle A Wagness
- Betty L Wagness
- Carrie A Doe
- Jeffery J Wagness
- Eddie J Wagness
- Jimmy Wayne Doe
- Michael W Doe

[======== FATHER ========]

Name: Kyle M wagness
Age: 64
Address: 1720 NW Lovejoy St Room #348, Portland, Oregon
Phone Numbers:
- (330) 628-1643 Last reported in August of 2010
- (330) 628-4716 Last reported in October of 2002
- (330) 628-5998 Last reported in July of 2017
- (330) 875-5748 Last reported in March of 2016
- (628) 599-8 Last reported in October of 2015
Email Addresses:
- grosa34@aol.com
- insboyz@hotmail.com
- kh7bl@hotmail.com
- froggi1021@yahoo.com
- dynamoofdeath2002@yahoo.com
Other Observed Names:
- Kyle Wagness
- KMoney A Wagness
- KMoney Wagness
- Kylea Wagness
- Kyle Awagness
- Dorothy M Wagness
- Betty L Wagness
- Jeffery J Wagness

[======== BROTHER ========]
Name: Jeffery J Wagness
Age: 23
Address: 1720 NW Lovejoy St Room #348, Portland, Oregon
Phone Numbers:
- (330) 628-1643
Other Observed Names:
- Jeff Wagness
- Dorothy M Wagness
- Kyle A Wagness