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reason for repost; recently a freind of mine received an image from Darren containing what he believes to be a 12 year olds nudes, spreading them to multiple people. I dont like that.
from the messages that i have seen, it appears that he likes said cp therefore he is into literal preteens. he knew the age of the child prior to asking 'jokingly' for nudes and pictures 
of the child's thighs. it is also mentioned that he saved them on snapchat also knowing the child's age. not only that, but he also is seen harassing the recipient of the messages saying
'thats what i imagine your tits to look like, i bet your mami milkers look like that'. the recipient is also underage at 14 years of age.
General information; 
Name: Darren Johnson
Address: 1624 Orvieto Ct 
Pleasanton, CA 94566
1624 Orvieto Ct , Pleasanton, CA 94566-6494 is currently not for sale. The 5,098 sq. ft. single-family home is a 4 bed, 5.0 bath property. This home was built in 1996 and last sold on
11/27/2013 for $2,150,000
est value and home information 
4 Beds
4 Baths
5,098 Sq Ft
Age: 15
Date of birth: August 18th 2005
ip: (subject to change + not confirmed)
School information;
school: Pleasanton Middle School 
5001 Case Ave., Pleasanton, CA 94566-1171
Phone: 925-426-4390
Fax: 925-426-1382
Attendance: 925-426-9701
Current Occupation: Student  
Socials and Platforms;
Current discord: Chubbz#0001 (subject to change)
Xbox Gamertag: Chubbz#3867
Instagram: @darrenn.johnsonn
Tiktok: @yungdefaultdarren
Kalena Johnson (sister)
Age: 18
Instagram: @kalenagjohnson
Tiktok: @lenaaalen
Note: bitch got alopecia lmao
Father: Daniel Johnson (confirmed) 
Instagram: @dannycaryn
Mother: Caryn Johnson (confirmed)
Instagram: N/A