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                                           Updated on September 21th, 2020
| Discord : Rosalyah#0010                                                                                               |
| Real name : Camelia Nicoleta Taran                                                                                    |
| Age : 15                                                                                                              |
| City / Country : Brasov / Romania                                                                                     |
| Phone Number : +40770501837                                                                                           |
| Images with her :                                                                                                     |
| https://imgur.com/a/AC06D7T                                                                                           |
| Words Romanian Police said :                                                                                          |
| - o bate tacsu si are daddy issues                                                                                    |
| + her dad is beating her and she has daddy issues                                                                     |
| - ma-sa e decedata                                                                                                    |
| + her mom is dead                                                                                                     |
| - a schimbat mai multe scoli fiindca isi lua bully si avea probleme la scoala                                         |
| + she changed alot of schools because she had problems at school and she was getting bullied                          |
| Next time be careful who you choose to mess with :x // wAVE , winter, Tetrax, grey cloud                              |