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                             |                      Table of contents                        | 
                             |      0x01  Introduction: alaysia brenee stevenson             |
                             |      0x02  Personal Information: alaysia brenee stevenson     |
                             |      0x03  Social Media Accounts: gofohearter                 |          
                             |      0x04  Family Members Information:Amber Latara Stevenson  | 
                             |                                       Antonio B Stevenson     |
                             |      0x05  House Information: 2 story home                    |
                             |      0x06  The Speech:                                        |
                             |                      0x01  Introduction                       |
                             |                  0x02  Personal Information                   |
                             Name: alaysia brenee stevenson
                             Face: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1053823710655692961/1151918361014452224/IMG_8605.jpg?width=320&height=569
                             Race: black
                             Gender: female
                             Sexuality: bi sexual 
                             Relationship Status: taken
                             D.O.B: 2006 march 9th
                             Age: 17
                             Mobile Phone Number: 704-477-9801
                             Home Phone Number:
                             |                  0x03  Social Media Accounts                  |
                             Online Alias............ 
                             Snapchat: gojohearter
                             Roblox: idkalaysia
                             Facebook: N/A
                             Discord: alaysivv
                             |               0x04  Family Members Information                |
                             NAME:Amber Latara Stevenson
                             AGE/D.O.B: 42, november 1980
                             MUGSHOT: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1053823710655692961/1151932659979800616/375654103_10158996949661581_8662702104616619309_n.png 
                             ADDRESS: 1343 Waterlily Ln Charlotte, NC 28262
                             PHONE NUMBER: (704) 910-2470
                             EMAIL amberlove80@adelphia.net
                             FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/amber.stevenson.330
                             NAME: Antonio B Stevenson
                             AGE/D.O.B45 july 1978
                             MUGSHOT: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/995947192118419456/1151933277930799216/129845620_3684204254977804_9009727066398516858_n.png
                             ADDRESS: 2701 Olde Whitehall Rd Charlotte, NC 28273
                             PHONE NUMBER: (704) 280-6828
                             EMAIL:jagle7@sprintpcs.com, jagle7@aol.com, jagle@sprintpcs.com 
                             FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001647964805
                             |                    0x05  House Information                    |
                             Direct Address: 1343 Waterlily Ln Charlotte, NC 28262
                             State: north carolina
                             City: charlotte 
                             Town N/A 
                             ZIP: 28262
                             Photo: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1053823710655692961/1151914841636872282/image.png?width=304&height=240
                             Floors: 2
                             Rooms: 3 bedrooms
                             Area (sqft) 3,120
                             Kitchen: 1 
                             Bathroom: 3
                             Market Value: $412,000
                             Propety Tax............. 
                             Property Type........... 
                             Year Built: 2007
                             |                        0x06  The Speech                       |



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