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 \______/ \__| \_______| \______/ \_______/ \_______/  \______/ \__/  \__|. Feat oxy

Reason for dox: Was fucking with my bros girlfriend (She cheated with him)
second reason: Being an asshole to my cousin
Home stuff

Address: 17 kuruntie
State: Salo
School: Armfelt's school / (Finnish: Armfeltin koulu)


Victim's name: Konsta päivälinna
Victim's age: 15 year
Little brother's name: Kalle päivälinna
Father's name: Risto päivälinna
Fathers's facebook: https://www.facebook.com/risto.paivalinna


Father's face: https://imgur.com/a/sHgoobM
Victim's home: https://imgur.com/a/Il6vIQI
Victim's face: https://imgur.com/a/Il6vIQI


(all victims socials)
Snapchat: konsta.paivalin
Tiktok: lajinsa_viimeinenn
Discord: kjonstaa

Doxxed by: claus,oxy
Enjoy your ass getting doomed mr konsta
Discord:Claus.yt, oxy didnt want to put his dc

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