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|	                                   Name: cecilia carter                                                 |
|                                          Age: 18                                                              |
|                                          Location: Dallas Fort Worth, Texas                                   |
|	                                   number : (469) 509-2657                                              |
|                                          address: 5669 Rockport Ln, Haltom City, TX 76137                     |
|                                          email: ceciliaa108927@gmail.com                                      |
|                                          disc : cece#9675                                                     |
|                                               Socials:                                                        |
|                                                                                                               |
|                               https://allmylinks.com/cecesyllaa                                               |
|                               main insta : https://www.instagram.com/cecesyl1aa/                              |
|                               alt insta : https://www.instagram.com/cecesyllaaaa/                             |
|                               twitter : https://twitter.com/cecesluttyy                                       |
|                               steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199223832007                    |
|                               tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@cecesyl1a                                       |
|                               cashapp: $cecesyllaa                                                            |
|                                                  Reasons:                                                     |
|	        - lying as a younger age and playing lolita (seducing men while being underage) with older men  |
|               - lying about being a younger age (15)                                                          |
|	        - using that as leverage to blackmail them, calling them pedos if not to do as told             |
|	        - claiming to know people in the "comm" and know how to pull info if not do as told             |
|	        - Claiming to file charges and take legal action while lying about age                          |
|               - she hides the fact she dates older guys 18+ and has her own NSFW twitter and claims to be 15  |
|               - trying to lie as a "asian man" so she can get refund money from a service (pics A.M below)    |
|      Conclusion : stereotypical egirl doesn't have sympathy for fucking someone over, compulsive liar,        |
|                    manipulator, racist, fiend for money                                                       |
|                                                Proof :                                                        |
|               - her 18 y/o ex when she was "15" : https://streamable.com/aomn0b                               |
|               - https://i.imgur.com/hmYVQXl.png                                                               |
|               - https://i.imgur.com/vkVjQ0c.png                                                               |
|               - https://i.imgur.com/72VxRBf.png                                                               |
|               - her nudes:  https://www.dropbox.com/s/p2a2im02kcdf9rd/4d42791e9b4f4a499eb39f0a1b47c068.mov?dl=0
|               - A.M : https://i.imgur.com/lbNcWqT.png    https://i.imgur.com/r8wo9AO.jpg                      |
|               - A.M : https://i.imgur.com/6QavLQP.png                                                         |
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