get fucked uwu

full name: Carly Marie/Mary Jackson

Age: 15

False Age: 18

School: Parkview School 14313 92 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T5R 5B3, Canada

born in: united states

nationality: Canadian

instagram: carlymj

her boyfriends instagram: connormckenzie13

snapchat: carlyjackson120, carly087

phone number: 587 643 0457+

Address: 14313 92 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T5R 5B3, Canada 14627

Parental info:
moms name: Megan Jackson ( works as a teacher)
dads name: Mark Jackson (in jail for hit and run or sexual assault)
(both did nothing other than raise a failure)

Discord: cc&#2704

roblox -

Face: ,

Reaons: shea racist, homophobic, she fakes her sexuality, she fucking sucked a dick in vc when shes 15, lies about her age, cheats on her 8 bfs, thinks shes the shit but ends up with everyone leaving
her, shes a fucking slutty whore has shit tons ebfs, she vapes and takes xanaxs she, she ruins friendships,

- thousands of people are fucking live in this town!

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