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                        |                                       ᴮᶜᵉ⸴ чтᵒ пᵖᵒᶜᵒчилᵒᶜь ᵇ Иᴴтᵉᵖᴴᵉт ⁻ ᵒᶜтᵃᵉтᶜя ᵇ ᴴᵉᴹ‧ ᴴᵃᵇᶜᵉгдᵃ‧                                                 |
                        |                                                        IGN: carterrr, Stranger                                                                |
                        |                                                          First name: Andrew                                                                   |
                        |                                                       Middle name: Denisovich                                                                 |
                        |                                                          Surname: Meshalkin                                                                   |
                        |                                                    Date of birth: 26th June 2004                                                              |
                        |                                               Phone number: +79514062438, +79514116831                                                        |
                        |                                                Location: Omsk, Sanitarnaya st., 16A, 4                                                        |
                        |                                                            School: 59, 81                                                                     |
                        |                                               School's site: http://ou81.omsk.obr55.ru                                                        |
                        |                                                     Skype: live:26940908c0f3798f                                                              |
                        |                                              Passwords: sexyboy14, suicidehacker1488rus                                                       |
                        |                             Insurance policy: 03001 562273, 11.08.2004 - 26.06.2022, insurance - Astormed                                     |
                        |         VK: https://vk.com/id205942999 ; https://vk.com/id195882129 ; https://vk.com/id465263752 ; https://vk.com/id563492751 ;               |
                        |                                       https://vk.com/id589141955 ; https://vk.com/id244520757                                                 |
                        |                              OK: https://ok.ru/profile/555765292752 , https://ok.ru/profile/567992299583                                      |
                        |                              YG: https://yougame.biz/members/431382 , https://yougame.biz/members/207052                                      |
                        |                 Face: https://imgur.com/pYX9bBQ.png ; https://imgur.com/uGVLn9N.png ; https://imgur.com/7MFS9G5.png                           |
                        |                                                                 Father:                                                                       |
                        |                                                            First name: Denis                                                                  |
                        |                                                         Middle name: Nikolaevich                                                              |
                        |                                                            Surname: Meshalkin                                                                 |
                        |                                                    Date of birth: 12th January 1982                                                           |
                        |                                                Phone numbers: +79514207224, +79609864854                                                      |
                        |                                      Passport: 52 03 661873, 03.09.2003 УВД Ленинского АО г. Омска                                            |
                        |                                                               School: 59                                                                      |
                        |                                                School's site: http://ou59.omsk.obr55.ru                                                       |
                        |                                                        MAIL: meshalkin-82@mail.ru                                                             |
                        |                                                           Skype: meshalkin-82                                                                 |
                        |                                                Location: Omsk, Sanitarnaya st., 16A, 4                                                        |
                        |                                       VK: https://vk.com/id184091789, https://vk.com/id572207265                                              |
                        |                                                OK: https://ok.ru/profile/539680619191                                                         |
                        |                                                Face: https://i.imgur.com/qZlTeaN.png                                                          |
                        |  Memes: https://imgur.com/HewcEtA.png - doxbin v tore ot ebannogo newfaga v etoi teme lol ; https://imgur.com/H6kMUmJ.png - n1 design HAHA ;  |
                        |                                             https://i.imgur.com/ZqBwjqd.png - dolzhnik =D                                                     |
                        |                                                        Reason of deanonymization:                                                             |
                        | Soset mne eshe s 2019 goda; dohya govorit, po faktu nichego ne mozhet mne sdelat'; pseudodoxer (v doxe 2 strochki infi i te nevernie, mne 18);|
                        |     popitalsya mne navredit' svoim "DOXOM HAHA" iz za snosa stranici vk ETO PIZDEC; vse community i ego bivshie druz'ya poslali ego nahuy     |