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 ╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════════╗            PASTE CREATED BY EILON    CREDITS TO XVIBI FOR THE TEMPLATE (i basically stole it)
  ==============; TABLE OF CONTENTS ; ===============             eilon#3358                       
  0x01 > | Personal information                                   
  0x02 > | Parent Info                                            
  0x03 > | Email Info
  0x04 > | Home Info

                                                      Reason: Having a really big ego and being annoying as shit
                                      -+-                                       [Personal Information]                                               -+-         
                                                General information:
                                                ⎈   ;    First Name // Carla
                                                ⎈   ;    Last Name // Aguilera
                                                ⎈   ;    Aliases // "carlaag_", "carlaag._4u",

                                                Personal Descriptors:
                                                ⎈   ;    Race // Hispanic
                                                ⎈   ;    Hair Color // Brown
                                                ⎈   ;    Eye Color // Brown

                                               Age Information:  
                                                ⎈   ;    Age // 16
                                                ⎈   ;    Date of Birth // 03/04/07 - 20:19h
                                                ⎈   ;    Zodiac Sign // Aries

                                                ⎈   ;    ojalaserm7yuumi@gmail.com | Status: Active (Main email)   

                                               ⎈   ;     Discord: carlaaag_#0572                                                                           
                                               ⎈   ;     Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/carlaag._4u/                                               
                                     -+-                                          [Parent Info]                                                      -+-         

                                               ⎈   ;    First Name // Maria
                                               ⎈   ;    Last Name // Aguilera
                                               ⎈   ;    Pseudonyms // "Mara Aguilera Gonzalez", "Maria Aguilera Gnz"
                                               ⎈   ;    Age // 09/07/1982
                                               ⎈   ;    Address // Dr. Manuel Galant 1810-1885, Molina, Maule, Chile
                                               ⎈   ;    Phone Number // +56 9 7765 6053                                                                       

                                      -+-                                          [Email Information]                                               -+-         
                                               [A] Email // ojalaserm7yuumi@gmail.com, qiquebuenastetas@gmail.com (2nd email)                                                           [A] Status // Active
                                               [A] Connections // discord.com, starvpn.com, onlyfans.com (lol)

                                      -+-                                                [Home Info]                                                 -+-         

                                               ⎈   ;   Current Address: 1865 Dr. Manuel Galant
                                               ⎈   ;   Full Address // Dr. Manuel Galant 1865, Molina, Maule, Chile
                                               ⎈   ;   Street // Dr. Manuel Galant
                                               ⎈   ;   Town/City // Curicó
                                               ⎈   ;   Region // Maule
                                               ⎈   ;   Country // Chile
                                               ⎈   ;   Picture of the house: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1081655529602035712/1081677377165340782/image.png?width=612&height=479
                                      -+-                                                [IRLS]                                                      -+-         

                                               Recent IRLs:
                                                ⎈   ; https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1070458056615411885/1081678441633558678/image.png
                                                ⎈   ; https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1070458056615411885/1081678541353136138/308028025_205958785117869_332334111003801982_n.png    


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