____                  _           _   _   _   _            _                    
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 | |      / _` | | '__| | | / __|   | |_| | | | | __|  / __| | '_ \   / _ \ | '_ \ 
 | |___  | (_| | | |    | | \__ \   |  _  | | | | |_  | (__  | | | | |  __/ | | | |
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║     Table of Contents     ║
║ 0x01 Introduction         ║
║ 0x02 Alias                ║
║ 0x03 Personal Info        ║
║ 0x04 IP                   ║
║ 0x05 Living Area          ║
║ 0x06 Credits              ║

║     0x1 Introduction      ║
[I]  she is a 16yr old girl who cheats on people if they do not do what she wants and gets with there family.
     to try and piss them off when she knowns people dont care at all.
[II] her mum is a crack head living on benifits and can not aford to eat food has to go to the local foodbank.
[III] she has told multiple people to kill them selfs and to hurt them selfs she is a selfish person.

╔═══════════════════════════╗                     phone number will be updated shotly as she has new number!!
║         0x2 Alias         ║

Instagram: carishitchen04 , cariskelseyhitchen
Snapchat: carishitchen04

║     0x3 Personal Info     ║                        ╔═══════════════════════════╗
╚═══════════════════════════╝                        ║      0x5 Living area      ║

name: caris kelsey hitchen                    16 leadale green leyland (uk) 4 beds 1 bathroom 6 people live there
DOB: 28th may 2004 (16 years old)            car: ford focas (black)
mums name: heather hitchen
dads name: garry hitchen
brothers names: logan hitchen , kian hitchen , connor hitchen.
sisters names: courtney hitchen, beth hitchen