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 ФИО: Филатов Глеб Вячеславович 
 Дата рождения: 13.09.2006 (18 лет)
├ Номер: 79875870311
├ Страна: Россия
├ Регион: Республика Башкортостан
└ Оператор: МТС

 Email адреса: 

 TikTok: Филатов Глеб (https://www.tiktok.com/@7294348159604687877)
 Вконтакте: Глеб Филатов (https://vk.com/id477736514) (https://vk.com/id621969607)
 ID 834753372
 Whatsapp: +7 987 587 0311

Школа (окончена фиолетовым аттестатом, обучался в классе "Б"): МАОУ "Лицей №62" им. Комарова В.М 
Колледж: Уфимский топливно-энергетический колледж

Родители и близкие:
Татьяна Филатова
Работа: Городская детская клиническая больница №17 г.Уфа

Вячеслав Филатов
Дата рождения: 23 февраля 1965 г.


                                                                                         Doxing is not a crime.

        There is nothing illegal about posting a name or address. Phonebooks have been doing it for a century. Many websites have this information completely free and easily accessible on the Internet by anyone.
                              This is nothing more than a Whitepages alternative. NetSec, DoxBin & any other user cannot be held against legal activity regarding the use of this service.

                          You can make a lot of arguments, ethically pointed or not. None of these can be held in court. It is your sole responsibility to manage your anonymity on the Internet. 
                              You are not constitutionally guaranteed the right to be anonymous, you are protected from unlawful government intrusion, and seizures of your personal property.

                                There is no law or right that prevents people from putting something you said to your name and picture, or by associating your name with your online handles.
                                                               You will not be protected from being exposed for negligent behavior on the Internet.
