reason for deanon: posted NSFW photos to the whole school 

{1}. Number phone:
[*]. Country: RU
[*]. Phone +7 924 708-74-64
[*]. Phone operator: Megaphone(мегафон)
[*]. Region: Irkutsk region

{2}. bio:
[*]. Name: Stalislava Gavrilenko
[*]. last name: underfind
[*]. Date of birth: 01/09/2008

{3}.Social Media:
[*]. WhatsApp: +7 924 708-74-64
[*]. Viber: +7 924 708-74-64
[*]. Telegram: @StasenyA14
[*]. Telegram Id: 5104490943
[*]. VKontakte: Id: 699182383(account deleted), link:


{1.1} Number phone:
[*]. all they numbers: +7 952 638-22-69, +7 395 437-27-14, +7 914 946-37-39, +7 904 122-12-60, +7 950 083-20-23, +7 383 303-99-14

{2.1}. bio relatives:
[*]. Name: Antonyuk Olga Sergeevna
[*]. Date of birth: 07/19/1986

{3.1} Social Media:
[*]. WhatsApp: +7 914 946-37-39
[*]. Viber: +7 914 946-37-39
will be update...
{4}. native address: "Иркутская область, г. Усолье-Сибирское, ул. Молотовая 84-7"

{5}. Link to the NSFW photos: