
reason for doxx: hes SAed ppl and manipulated ppl to do shit they dont wanna and more i aint gon say so have fun with the dox
Name: James Myers
Age: 33 (1990 or 1989)
Aliases: bunnybitterchu, bunny
Address:  5005 Canoni Pl Cocoa, FL 32927-3115
Number: (321) 633-7055 home phone (321) 795-5297 - Wireless
Experiences: being a fag

vrc usr id:usr_39456829-61b0-4691-ab48-dfc2ba285f6e
vrc user name: BunnyBitterChu
discord: bunnybitterchu
discord id: 556335766834249758
Amber L Myers
Shirley G Myers
Shelly P Myers
Ronald S Reynolds
Daniel J Spiering
Sharon E Myers
Dean M Geer
Josef D Spiering
Sheldon E Jackson
Virginia L Elder
Michelle T Reynolds
Patricia L Myers
Troy T Spiering
Eliza M Reynolds
Gregory David Fee
Connie P Spiering
Annie Mae Cohoon
Lubow P Panasenko
Gilbert Molina Molina
Lynn Ellen Geer
Jacqueline M Sanderson
Lynn Spriggs
Terry Wayne Myers
Amber Myers
Thomas P Myers
Jennifer R Douglas
Justin A Myers
Evelyn M Reynolds
Amber D Myers
Melanie Jean Reynolds
Carolyn Britt Douglas
Tony Douglas
Cody A Reynolds
Michael H Myers
Coolie S Reynolds
Michael R Myers
Edward A Reynolds
George D Fee
Patrice R Fee
Cody A Reynolds
Elizabeth Anne Myers
Nadine Y Parrish
some info

James is 33 years old and was born in 1990 or 1989. James currently lives at 5005 Canoni Pl in Cocoa, FL and has lived there for about 1 year. You can contact James at the email Lukesalome@gmail.com or phone number (321) 633-7055.

James is not known to have been married. Maybe an alternative James Myers is married to someone you know.

James is known to have previously used or be associated with the following names or aliases: James A Myers, James R Myers. James is believed to be related to the following people: Amber D Myers, Amber L Myers, Amber Myers, Annie Mae Cohoon, Carolyn Britt Douglas. James is believed to be a friend, associate or coworker of Christopher W Jones.
James lived previously at 5005 Canoni Pl in Port Saint John, FL.

James has the following other email addresses: Bradm0919@gmail.com, Joe_peace@lovemail.com. James has been linked to following other phone numbers: Wireless at (321) 795-5297, Wireless at (239) 462-4104, Wireless at (321) 795-5218
There are no known businesses that James is associated with. Trying an alternative James Myers might show you the business you were expecting.

house info 

3 beds · 2 baths · 1,964 sq ft · $362,000
5005 Canoni Pl is a Single Family Residential home that contains 1,964 sq ft of living space, a lot size of 13,068 sq ft and was built in 1992. It contains 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. This home last sold for $109,300 on July 1, 2005.

Current Owners
Owner Occupied
Port St John Unit 4
Potential Occupants
Amber L Myers
James Myers
Shelly P Myers
Original Loan
Estimated Equity
$362,000 - Estimated Value 2023
$100,780 - Tax 2022
$97,850 - Tax 2021
$96,500 - Tax 2020
$94,340 - Tax 2019
$92,590 - Tax 2018
$90,690 - Tax 2017
$88,830 - Tax 2016
$88,220 - Tax 2015
$87,520 - Tax 2014
$109,300 - Sale July 1, 2005

dis yo house nigga? 

past phone numbers
(321) 633-7055 - LandLine - June 2023
(321) 795-5297 - Wireless - October 2021
(239) 462-4104 - Wireless - April 2020
(321) 795-5218 - Wireless - April 2020
(206) 242-1519 - LandLine - June 2013

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