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                                          vexing on top wrd2 elmo 
                     This is the Dox of bs#0001

                 ⤞ cheating 
                 ⤞ messing with the wrong people  


                              ->  Table Of Contents 

                     [ 0x1 ] Personal Information
                     [ 0x2 ] Socials
                     [ 0x3 ] Family & Associates
                     [ 0x4 ] Extra info
                     [ 0x5 ] Credits

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                     [ 0x1 ] Personal Information 

                    Name: Gabriella Nodar
                    Age: 16-17
                    Phone number: +1 (732)-604-9490
                    Address: 141 Ethel St, Metuchen, NJ 8840


                     [ 0x2 ] Socials                                               .:.:.:.
                                                                                           / .***. \
                     Snap: thaichickennn                                                  | / ,,, \ |
                     Discord: bs#0001                                                     | \/6.6\/ |
                                                                                          | (  _  ) |
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                     [ 0x3 ] Family & Associates

                    Mother: Alicia Nodar
                    Ethnicity: Hispanic
                    Language: Spanish
                    Religion: Catholic
                    Marital Status: Married
                    Children: 3


                     [ 0x4 ] Extra Info

                      Address	141 Ethel Street
                      Metuchen, NJ 8840
                      Carrier Code	C015
                      Census Tract	340230031.01301
                      Depth	100 ft
                      Frontage	53 ft
                      Area	5,300 sq ft (0.122 acres)
                      Land Use Code	2 (Residential)
                      Land Use Category	Residential (Single Family Residential)
                      County	Middlesex
                      Municipality	Woodbridge Twp
                      Tax Account	7625
                      Lot Number	22
                      Deeds, Mortgages, Titles & Sales History
                      Type: Intrafamily Transfer And Dissolution
                      Document ID: 201506170443
                      Book: 6699 Page: 729
                      Recording Date: 17 Jun 2015
                      Original Contract Date: 03 Jun 2015
                      141 Ethel St
                      Metuchen, NJ 8840
                      Type: Deed
                      Recording Date: 04 Oct 1993
                      Original Contract Date: 09 Sep 1993
                      Sale Price: $147,000 (Full Amount Stated On Document)
                      Prudential Home Mtg
                      Amount: $139,000

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