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Title:bobmarleynug420 lowkeyrp
Created:Jan 19th, 2023
Created by: sevlol
Views: 896
Comments: 5
Username: Anonymous - (Login)
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Hello my name is Apollo and I decided to make this to show you how bad of a server owner Marley is.. So I got falsely banned for saying “I want a piece of cake” and at the time Hannah (the 13 year old) was typing so they thought I was sexualizing her. So I want to share with you how bad of a person Marley is. So first off, he is a pedophile, he has been giving a user named “Hannah” roles of staff, packs, custom vehicles and other types of roles in return for a picture of her completely nude. This is backed up by multiple high staff which i won't name, as well as higher ups in her department. This is sick and is really sad because she's only 13.. A few of my friends were also false banned, for example my friend Quix was banned because he said :”nigga” and they thought he said “nigger” i honestly completely understand if you still support him if you do have roles, however i spent $700 on the server and after finding out all this information i just didnt care anymore. It truly disgusts me how even the people who know about this still decide to go on and act like it's not even happening and completely ignore it like its some joke. I would also like to tell you all that Marley is a racist as well. Marley is the owner of Lowkey Roleplay on FiveM. Now that we are done with that, let's go over some things including proof. This is what was left after the FBI Roster was nuked. https://gyazo.com/ec78326f4c591a732bc76ff353ebaf12 This was a message sent by Marley a while back as well. I’m sure you can still find it, this just shows how disgusting he is. He has a wife and a child and acts like this.. https://gyazo.com/fceb227501bf9381d47d958228773dd5 This screenshot shows him being racist as well as breaking his own servers' rules. https://gyazo.com/d012140cbdcf292e9a808ff5be0841f4 This is another message he sent for some reason making a joke out of the fact that he admitted to liking children. https://gyazo.com/3eb3a61a952bc6c87d631cbd08b5b1e3 Now, we will go over personal information. MORE INFORMATION BELOW VVVVVVV Reason for dox: pedophile, annoying asf big ego fag Dox by : apollo Irl: https://gyazo.com/6f3cad95f9347080dd66ced64d50ccac This is Brandons’ Family and you can see he doesn’t fit in and clearly has some type of issues. Marley's Personal/Families Information: Name: Brandon Alsup Tiktok:unknown Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brandon.alsup.52 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CCmIMWfDXkG/ Phone Numbers: N/A Address: 905 Maryville Dr, Lockport, IL 60441 https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/905-Maryville-Dr-Lockport-IL-60441/5385577_zpid/?mmlb=g,18 https://www.google.com/maps/place/905+Maryville+Dr,+Lockport,+IL+60441/@41.5953647,-88.0402475,3a,90y,247.73h,77.49t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sLDACG-uCebxG3Hh5VY3nyQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!4m5!3m4!1s0x880e5d6ff1d87a5b:0xca57399f8e55e991!8m2!3d41.5951245!4d-88.0403779 Name: Samantha Alsup (WIFE) TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@samanthaalsup21 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/samantha.schenk.7 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sam.schenk71011/ / https://www.instagram.com/samantha.alsup24/ Phone Numbers: N/A ALSO LIVES IN SAME HOUSE AS THE PEDO Name: David Wayne Alsup (FATHER) TikTok: N/A Facebook: https://www.tiktok.com/@samanthaalsup21 Instagram: https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.facebook.com/samantha.schenk.7&sa=D&source=docs&ust=1674102941130384&usg=AOvVaw0gyvaYhkp_mLXP8JEncOOY Phone Numbers: (217) 276-0392 / (815) 834-1801 Name: Angela M Alsup (MOTHER) TikTok: N/A Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/angela.alsup Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/angie.alsup03/ Phone Numbers: (217) 276-0392 / (815) 834-1801 DM ME IF U WANT MORE FAMILY TREE INFO apollo#1292
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