⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣸⢀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀          𝓼𝓵𝓪𝓾𝓰𝓱𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓭 𝓫𝔂 𝓶.𝓼

reason #1: a one non-human(fucking pig), scammed 2 persons including peacuful famillies with kids, for an total ammount of estimated 354000 rubles-3868 dollars (in terms of credits, microloans.)
reason #2: even after scamming people, he threatens to give them more and more credits, microloans, ant etc.

so, lets go guys!<3

├ Number(s): 79139646094, 79040736604, 79953998525, 79533998525, 79136128734, 79503300367
├ Country: Russia
├ Region: Omsk Oblast
└ Operator: T2 Mobile

├ Possible names:
└ Ruslan Bashti, Frolg0D, Frolov Nikita, Nekit Frolov, Nikita Alekseevich F., Nikita Frolov, Nekit Frolov

├ Nikita Alekseevich Frolov
├ Vertogolov Alexey Valeryevich
└ Olga Egorovna Baranova

Passport: 5218783797
INN: 550767232729
SNILS: 17453651583

├ Alphabank, Russia
├ Card number#1:2200150984511623
├ Card number#2:2200150977185237
├ Expire date card#1:2030-04-30
└ Expire date card#2:2030-05-31

├ Possible addresses: 
├ Omsk Obl, , , Ul 2-Ya Lyubinskaya, D.2B/2, Et.4, Q 75
├ 644073, Omsk region, G Omsk, Ul Zvezdnaya, D 2D, Kv. 137
└ 646914, Russia, , , , Ermolaevka D., Zelenaya Street, D. 12, ,

├ Possible IP:
├ Vkontakte: Nekit Frolov
├ Date of birth: 10.08.1998 (26 years old), 27.06.1963 (61 years old)
└  Email: frol13919@mail.ru, nekitfrolov@bk.ru, boe1963@bk.ru

├ TikTok: frolG0D
├ Whatsapp: found
├ Telegram: found, only by number
├ Mobile Bank: Alfa Bank, Sberbank, Tinkoff Bank
└ Registrations: getcontact.com

Possible parents(if he ever had them)
Mother (full name): Baranova Olga Egorovna
INN(ITIN, TIN): 551503188123
Dad (full name): skill issue
INN: Not found.
SNILS: Not found.