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║Table Of Contents                                          ║
║ →     0x01 Victim Information.............................║

-+-             0x01 Victims Information                -+-
Victim Name: Ryad mahmoud
Victim Home: 1 rue richard perlinsky 5ème étage
Age : 15
city of Victim : Audincourt
Mom Name of Victim : Aurélie cité
Dad Name of Victim : Bobakar mahmoud
Brothers names : Rayan mahmoud, Kais mahmoud
School : Jean Bauhin(3e4)
Victim Mom Number: +330621678213
Victim Discord: Ryad_tt#1622
Discord ID : 1119332022960279633
Picture of Victim : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1118985381329764454/1120834644414312578/image.png
grab of Victim: https ://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1118996563939827733/1120836497604624445/blank_ryad.rar
ZIP Code : 25400