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║                                                                                               ║
║                                                                                               ║
║                                    Table Of Contents                                          ║
║                                   ─────────────────────                                       ║
║                                    0x00 » Introduction                                        ║
║                                    0x01 » Reason Of Dox                                       ║
║                                    0x02 » Aim Of Dox                                          ║ 
║                                    0x03 » Personal Information                                ║
║                                    0x04 » Social Medias                                       ║
║                                                                                               ║
║                                                                                               ║
0x00 » Introduction
Hello this is Arsenal lately I have been getting lots of complaints of the user who goes by "bathroomtub" this kid acts super harmful using the FaithfulMC database and stressthem.to 
he also likes to threaten to swat players on this game. He is also a racist little fuck and hes not getting away with it anymore.

0x01 » Reason Of Dox
kid is a pedophile homosexual and likes talking about kids his age and the things he wants to do to them. I hope that his parents some how see this and get there kid some help.

0x02 » Aim Of Dox
The goal is to get this kid to shut the fuck up and stop being a fuckin weirdo acting harmful and being a dirty little pedophile. If this doesn't run him out of the community then hes going to get ran all over again.

0x03 » Personal Information 
His name David Stellmach
Home #: (201) 723-4934                                                                                                                                                                                                           
Dad: #: (201) 736-0862                                                                                                                                                    
Mom: Jacqueline  Ho
Dad: David Stellmach
Address: 186 Godwin Ave
Brother: Raymond Stellmach
Mom Email: jacquelineho@verizon.net
Dad Email: davidstellmach@gmail.com  

0x04 » Social Medias  
Telegram @bustups
