____ _ _ | _ \ _____ _| |__ (_)_ __ | | | |/ _ \ \/ / '_ \| | '_ \ | |_| | (_) > <| |_) | | | | | |____/ \___/_/\_\_.__/|_|_| |_|
Created:Aug 9th, 2024
Created by: balt1794
Views: 196
Comments: 0
Edited at: Aug 9th, 2024
Username: Anonymous - (Login)
Please note that all posted information is publicly available and must follow our TOS.
This guy is 30 years old talking to minors sexually on Discord. From Loja, Ecuador now living in New York. This file contains a lot of public information, so please, do with this what you will to find even more public information about this person. discord: balto94 discord: balto94#1106 joined discord in 2019 other username: balt1794 Flicker profile, photo of him: https://www.flickr.com/photos/97858334@N08/9245584118/ tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@balt1794 linktree: https://linktr.ee/balt1794 hackernews: https://news.ycombinator.com/submitted?id=balt1794 https://www.sideprojectors.com/user/profile/86184 https://www.slideshare.net/balt1794 https://github.com/balt1794 Contains private keys to firebase, which has many of his customer emails in there: https://codesandbox.io/u/balt1794 here's the firebase private key info: { "type": "service_account", "project_id": "new-db-hjd", "private_key_id": "7dd24925667575512bec661395b1216a435fad6c", "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIEvgIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCBKgwggSkAgEAAoIBAQCcGjF8/Spr0qv9\nquHwuh+DX+SXarjcY1+s7cstm9VSI+gnQLVgZaXfDaOY8t9ji4REeCxFTglKlSZ7\n0i+0sHj8XnXtvdUUKWak8d70/a1MwF2u1u7G2/y2C77eI4YnJdpRvmXcZ632wXwM\nSbsXVZpNNwew04ZyMd5GcwTCAaSpki+FIYvNlkGfTQ6roByxy2KQpz+9zHupBWwZ\nHl3zrvWVIodCEMio7HzoXYcjOHfNyd2c+Ap0w8d2kaHGiWb/7UHZrpV6+WI8fn1I\nLql0SkoDloVyseWPtbgA5Q/32k9McjHu7wjePYTAOAeoXsf19rqQuRL7tCoq4H6C\niZV5Edi9AgMBAAECggEABDlwcHmqwXzkwF6OWULotSS0Ur8SixXgS68h2f3rZme5\nJxH8OLNFXpilj1WU2rFhQnwFQeGLNeRavA4lwQTFSwCvaHEqn79jEpXoy/kiRDJ1\nBX/G2+c2I1ZATTAcyNBtOZfidSCtrvyKYba/e7o9pmgVs2VC0n8alYWcxyY0onx8\n+XpV/WRpYyIl3gNoWyR3U7RwPd/i+xnae2n1lEYk31tqwD9fIZAHSnJO+RFzU9ki\nI4GXqEn4qxiNhfj6mbJ+7jY3B4bf9xWHpgs/ku3phF0KaoNOqU3jtaNywGSBKBe2\ncTRvBtO3RiXejHdTTLknsw8qRPXzKxBm248L2XAKTQKBgQDPQ9yif5w9I/Y8k2vp\n2aZmlB6CY+bvORaB/R/lEvNSQG3rjsWBNSAlaDR0Os/Du9aE8UewVW6K1MAdNupW\nH0+4zS2ZJ7ihpqm67lXp+8MPBEuTG7tqBMBRRVIli0QyVO1ONLrrQYW1YbYqeI+E\n52ucBcF9kSPubBAL3Ton8XihFwKBgQDAzqJNWvyW/WmiLX+UbbEiB7/5P1tzbc03\nn1ATdN7YuUqJrUWJivT4zzGsisE8Qmwd2W1ctXdqCICMHb9fyNBBCMI+IrCijFuk\n/rtiulFVyUtzMrH9bptWf+EJVj5NHGw+shSYi+o6viOS4zC/Y2QTW99h7zadgM7h\nhwCMEgzxSwKBgQDAw8S3/Sc6Ve/1dsauv5ZbYPbfHjrx0o50Zw765h0XKoUQx8A4\n40f6gmgGkYwZ5uEk06JxBYPB6wyiHyji4Ews++akwqSc83x4NqIA8/3+QWhocSpk\n9/ZFn8s+z7+lcAck7TXLBy1r/GyII4iXewRCH7hNKGfanvZtkls8OwCOEQKBgQCa\nEUROTgODX/JWHsdQwyqFR+4WbJNWNIqFBPAG7B/azI2MYIIte3VvkJlgB+yLi4Q7\nge/K4lMOzsZxsJ+pGZ2YKjiVUEEXUtM0kD0KklnGFDkPT5Y9LnJAd6VKQbk9AxZY\nLxMYJs2/rQpeKN9eQDzK32IsLuvUhgZK3wcH5rCi6wKBgA1Cq4mWvlGO5vc98Zz5\nFK3qrbj4rzvU2eBvdjkNJ1yplruzNRPAQDmrGZ7ZxqseX1vKbHmlGdShvyH9b0QF\ndqP3I7t049aqYj+ZCJqnhZQVd9+xIYACcSHfvzGbS4hX3ni8jxllgEfsgYkrBLjb\nI3tTZ2CQqv+xUfxBV3lJdeGj\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n", "client_email": "firebase-adminsdk-m7rin@new-db-hjd.iam.gserviceaccount.com", "client_id": "111095481892965771183", "auth_uri": "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth", "token_uri": "https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token", "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/certs", "client_x509_cert_url": "https://www.googleapis.com/robot/v1/metadata/x509/firebase-adminsdk-m7rin%40new-db-hjd.iam.gserviceaccount.com" } Twitter profile bio: Bryam Loaiza @balt1794 Indiehacking for dear life 🔥💻 https://hit-clips.com https://resumeboostai.com https://propertylistingsai.com https://websitecolorsai.com Mother's phone: (973) 861-2112 tried to use reddit, horribly failed: https://www.reddit.com/user/balt1794/ Hackernoon profile: https://hackernoon.com/u/balt1794 uses alternativeto to promote his apps: https://alternativeto.net/user/balt1794/ https://medium.com/@balt1794 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChZR16e1XwZXy2yrk_8ymFg https://dev.to/balt1794 Websites he owns: https://hit-clips.com/ https://hit-clips.com/api/lambda/progress using aws lambda {"id":"m6le5s01yl","bucketName":"remotionlambda-useast1-sbkcx6d8os"} { "type": "success", "data": { "renderId": "z1sgewex3e", "bucketName": "remotionlambda-useast1-sbkcx6d8os", "cloudWatchLogs": "https://us-east-1.console.aws.amazon.com/cloudwatch/home?region=us-east-1#logsV2:log-groups/log-group/$252Faws$252Flambda$252Fremotion-render-4-0-76-mem2048mb-disk2048mb-240sec/log-events$3FfilterPattern$3D$2522method$253Drenderer$252CrenderId$253Dz1sgewex3e$2522", "folderInS3Console": "https://s3.console.aws.amazon.com/s3/buckets/remotionlambda-useast1-sbkcx6d8os?region=us-east-1&prefix=renders/z1sgewex3e/", "lambdaInsightsLogs": "https://us-east-1.console.aws.amazon.com/cloudwatch/home?region=us-east-1#lambda-insights:functions/remotion-render-4-0-76-mem2048mb-disk2048mb-240sec" } } devbalt.com [GradSchoolDocsAI.com](http://gradschooldocsai.com/) { "projectId": "896082901088", "authorizedDomains": [ "localhost", "gradschoolai.firebaseapp.com", "gradschoolai.web.app", "gradschooldocsai.com" ] } sqlaigenerator.com { "projectId": "394431007818", "authorizedDomains": [ "localhost", "sqlaigenerator.firebaseapp.com", "sqlaigenerator.web.app", "sqlaigenerator.com" ] } skills: PHP Full Stack Software Engineer at Websites in a FlashFull Stack Software Engineer at Websites in a Flash WordPressWordPress Full Stack Software Engineer at Websites in a FlashFull Stack Software Engineer at Websites in a Flash JavaScriptJavaScript Full Stack Software Engineer at Websites in a FlashFull Stack Software Engineer at Websites in a Flash Node.jsNode.js Developer I at VeriskDeveloper I at Verisk Python (Programming Language)Python (Programming Language) Developer I at VeriskDeveloper I at Verisk .NET Framework.NET Framework Developer I at VeriskDeveloper I at Verisk AngularJSAngularJS Developer I at VeriskDeveloper I at Verisk Amazon Web Services (AWS)Amazon Web Services (AWS) Developer I at VeriskDeveloper I at Verisk ArduinoArduino 5 endorsements5 endorsements AutoCADAutoCAD 1 endorsement1 endorsement C++C++ 1 endorsement1 endorsement JavaJava MatlabMatlab RoboticsRobotics 1 endorsement1 endorsement ElectronicsElectronics Microsoft OfficeMicrosoft Office 1 endorsement1 endorsement Microsoft ExcelMicrosoft Excel 4 endorsements4 endorsements Microsoft WordMicrosoft Word 3 endorsements3 endorsements Autodesk InventorAutodesk Inventor NI MultisimNI Multisim Mathematics ## EducationEducation Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Routing and SwitchingCisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Routing and Switching CiscoCiscoIssued Jul 2017 · Expired Jul 2020 - [ ![New Jersey Institute of Technology logo](https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C4E0BAQGeM2xL_Ibjhw/company-logo_100_100/0/1630582551756/njit_logo?e=1731542400&v=beta&t=nHd8Hzuz-Cp9VM7zO62C8bUCUKUwl5oZuOb-fvq72PA) ](https://www.linkedin.com/company/165198/) [ New Jersey Institute of TechnologyNew Jersey Institute of Technology Bachelor’s Degree, Electrical and Electronics EngineeringBachelor’s Degree, Electrical and Electronics Engineering2016 - 20182016 - 2018](https://www.linkedin.com/company/165198/) - Activities and societies: -NJIT Robotics Club -IEEE NJIT Branch -Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) Activities and societies: -NJIT Robotics Club -IEEE NJIT Branch -Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) …see more - [ ![Essex County College logo](https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C510BAQHHK5z7JOyARQ/company-logo_100_100/0/1631332266233?e=1731542400&v=beta&t=S4WlKuuwN45OjOhpLP2_eV6BL5f7CHIl3qNglN0Mm3Y) ](https://www.linkedin.com/company/24846/) [ Essex County CollegeEssex County College Associate’s Degree, Electrical and Electronics EngineeringAssociate’s Degree, Electrical and Electronics Engineering2013 - 20162013 - 2016](https://www.linkedin.com/company/24846/) - Activities and societies: - Phi Theta Kappa. - GS-LSAMP (Garden State - Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation). - Latino Student Union. -Honors Program. -Dean's List (every semester) -Co-founder Arduino Club -Semifinalist Jack Kent Cooke Undergraduate Scholarship.Activities and societies: - Phi Theta Kappa. - GS-LSAMP (Garden State - Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation). - Latino Student Union. -Honors Program. -Dean's List (every semester) -Co-founder Arduino Club -Semifinalist Jack Kent Cooke Undergraduate Scholarship. - - Graduate with Highest Honors in Electrical Engineering - Bryam Loaiza - [ ![Websites in a Flash logo](https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C560BAQFXZeAIn8Hy6g/company-logo_100_100/0/1630669011124/websites_in_a_flash_logo?e=1731542400&v=beta&t=BQXu6YKXNZybidgQGOm3zJ_cHzX-RKG_nyV2_DwBdUU) ](https://www.linkedin.com/company/2167779/) Full Stack Software EngineerFull Stack Software Engineer Websites in a Flash · Full-timeWebsites in a Flash · Full-timeSep 2023 - Present · 1 yrSep 2023 to Present · 1 yrRemote · RemoteRemote · Remote - - Created custom WordPress themes and plugins to schedule appointments, save PDFs, create REST APIs, manage JSON/XML data, and implement payment systems. Wrote custom PHP and JavaScript code to automate WooCommerce transactions which involved managing SQL and NoSQL databases using complex database queries.Created custom WordPress themes and plugins to schedule appointments, save PDFs, create REST APIs, manage JSON/XML data, and implement payment systems. Wrote custom PHP and JavaScript code to automate WooCommerce transactions which involved managing SQL and NoSQL databases using complex database queries. - - **Skills:** PHP · WordPress · JavaScript**Skills:** PHP · WordPress · JavaScript - [ ![Verisk logo](https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/v2/C4E0BAQHsjp1GOw4Rmw/company-logo_100_100/company-logo_100_100/0/1641304478140/verisk_analytics_logo?e=1731542400&v=beta&t=FrPnGpJpSc_LEKHVSdQpROwUfY0v48ZEOQcnuUlN8UQ) ](https://www.linkedin.com/company/580619/) Developer IDeveloper I Verisk · Full-timeVerisk · Full-timeMay 2023 - Sep 2023 · 5 mosMay 2023 to Sep 2023 · 5 mosJersey City, New Jersey, United StatesJersey City, New Jersey, United States - - - Created lambda functions using Python to connect with SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) to retrieve data, organize it, and send it as emails. - Used Python to create scripts to extract information from PDF documents using OCR technology. - Used NodeJS and Angular to manage data and perform CRUD operations on an AWS Dynamo DB.- Created lambda functions using Python to connect with SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) to retrieve data, organize it, and send it as emails. - Used Python to create scripts to extract information from PDF documents using OCR technology. - Used NodeJS and Angular to manage data and perform CRUD operations on an AWS Dynamo DB. - - **Skills:** Node.js · AngularJS · Amazon Web Services (AWS) · .NET Framework · Python (Programming Language)**Skills:** Node.js · AngularJS · Amazon Web Services (AWS) · .NET Framework · Python (Programming Language) - [ ![Core States Group logo](https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/v2/C4E0BAQGAFnTvdgGpSQ/company-logo_100_100/company-logo_100_100/0/1659704325458?e=1731542400&v=beta&t=L7KyfXZoWxgQdfR2NS-cbOOD0BW7nNQC9i_vg1Z58iE) ](https://www.linkedin.com/company/112755/) Project Designer Project Designer Core States Group · Full-timeCore States Group · Full-timeMay 2022 - May 2023 · 1 yr 1 moMay 2022 to May 2023 · 1 yr 1 moNew Jersey, United StatesNew Jersey, United States - - - Designed electrical schematics for solar & renewable energy projects such as rooftops, ground mounts, canopies, battery storage, and charging stations using AutoCAD and Revit. - Used PTW/SKM to perform short circuit analysis studies on electrical panels and switchboards. - Used the National Electrical Code (NEC) when designing the different solar systems.- Designed electrical schematics for solar & renewable energy projects such as rooftops, ground mounts, canopies, battery storage, and charging stations using AutoCAD and Revit. - Used PTW/SKM to perform short circuit analysis studies on electrical panels and switchboards. - Used the National Electrical Code (NEC) when designing the different solar systems. - [ ![CONTROL & POWER SYSTEMS, INC. logo](https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/v2/C4D0BAQEvn8u5JHbVXg/company-logo_100_100/company-logo_100_100/0/1644078159834/control__power_systems_inc__logo?e=1731542400&v=beta&t=oHo9JeKMKCipIPNU9HKJzAlZTOzb0gJS6uIeVlx9uoY) ](https://www.linkedin.com/company/151995/) Junior Controls Engineer Junior Controls Engineer CONTROL & POWER SYSTEMS, INC. · Full-timeCONTROL & POWER SYSTEMS, INC. · Full-timeMar 2022 - May 2022 · 3 mosMar 2022 to May 2022 · 3 mosNew Jersey, United StatesNew Jersey, United States - - - Designed circuit diagrams and electrical schematics for control panels using AutoCAD for industrial machinery. - Automated data extraction from industrial systems using Python to generate useful analytics for process optimization and valuable insights.- Designed circuit diagrams and electrical schematics for control panels using AutoCAD for industrial machinery. - Automated data extraction from industrial systems using Python to generate useful analytics for process optimization and valuable insights. - [ ![BEUMER Group logo](https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C560BAQFhtYU5Amq16Q/company-logo_100_100/0/1631321744463?e=1731542400&v=beta&t=Mew2DZHxBFe-DSgDmXYY74rUi3RkuD_3DS-SDE9nLbY) ](https://www.linkedin.com/company/375485/) Controls Engineer (Software)Controls Engineer (Software) BEUMER Group · Full-timeBEUMER Group · Full-timeMar 2021 - Oct 2021 · 8 mosMar 2021 to Oct 2021 · 8 mosNew Jersey, United StatesNew Jersey, United States - - - Used Python to develop scripts for organizing and labeling data for all sorter machines and PLCs. - Designed and implemented a dashboard to control a network of industrial machinery. Created API endpoints to receive and process requests to start and stop machinery, retrieve, and adjust settings.- Used Python to develop scripts for organizing and labeling data for all sorter machines and PLCs. - Designed and implemented a dashboard to control a network of industrial machinery. Created API endpoints to receive and process requests to start and stop machinery, retrieve, and adjust settings. - [ ![Schindler Elevator Corporation (U.S.) logo](https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/D4D0BAQGu84qEpf0EOA/company-logo_100_100/0/1721679544711/schindler_elevator_corporation_logo?e=1731542400&v=beta&t=ksu8al1TNRjb42JoaY_sVl08mSp0zHQM-IxSPr8YHW0) ](https://www.linkedin.com/company/6192/) Electrical EngineerElectrical Engineer Schindler Elevator Corporation (U.S.) · Full-timeSchindler Elevator Corporation (U.S.) · Full-timeAug 2019 - Dec 2020 · 1 yr 5 mosAug 2019 to Dec 2020 · 1 yr 5 mosGreater New York City AreaGreater New York City Area - - • Built elevator harnesses for the different types of elevators such as NX3300 and NX5500. • Made markups to technical drawings for elevator parts and devices such as inverters, contactors, batteries, etc. • Assembled test prototypes of elevator devices such as transfer switch units (TSU), landing door units (LDU), remote control cabinets (RCC), and door frame controllers (DFC). • Worked on creating data logger devices for error detection on elevators.• Built elevator harnesses for the different types of elevators such as NX3300 and NX5500. • Made markups to technical drawings for elevator parts and devices such as inverters, contactors, batteries, etc. • Assembled test prototypes of elevator devices such as transfer switch units (TSU), landing door units (LDU), remote control cabinets (RCC), and door frame controllers (DFC). • Worked on creating data logger devices for error detection on elevators. - [ AMS Services logo ](https://www.linkedin.com/company/7890/) Automation EngineerAutomation Engineer AMS ServicesAMS ServicesApr 2019 - Jul 2019 · 4 mosApr 2019 to Jul 2019 · 4 mosGreater New York City AreaGreater New York City Area - - • Troubleshooted AutoStore robots (4-wheel robots) with problems such as sudden stopping of robots on the grid, collisions, gripper communication failures, and track sensor calibration. • Managed AutoStore system and fixed any software problems. • Fixed any problems with sorting systems such as SureSort machines and AutoStore ports. • Used Exacta WMS (Warehouse Management System) to detect and fix any problems with the overall automation equipment. • Troubleshooted other automation equipment such as sorting robots (OPEX iBOTs), conveyor systems, Cognex sensors, Zebra print-and-apply machines, and other equipment. • Troubleshooted AutoStore robots (4-wheel robots) with problems such as sudden stopping of robots on the grid, collisions, gripper communication failures, and track sensor calibration. • Managed AutoStore system and fixed any software problems. • Fixed any problems with sorting systems such as SureSort machines and AutoStore ports. • Used Exacta WMS (Warehouse Management System) to detect and fix any problems with the overall automation equipment. • Troubleshooted other automation equipment such as sorting robots (OPEX iBOTs), conveyor systems, Cognex sensors, Zebra print-and-apply machines, and other equipment. - [ ![Panasonic North America logo](https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/v2/C560BAQHFZiJZ-ZPlPA/company-logo_100_100/company-logo_100_100/0/1654719566421/panasonic_northamerica_logo?e=1731542400&v=beta&t=hZX0Y8nZiVNlD-sEY8e8iwNgcnvC8JIlNoszyUFPdHo) ](https://www.linkedin.com/company/2610/) Product Engineer InternProduct Engineer Intern Panasonic USAPanasonic USAMay 2018 - Dec 2018 · 8 mosMay 2018 to Dec 2018 · 8 mosGreater New York City AreaGreater New York City Area - - •Performed numerous tests on Panasonic products such as tablets, docking stations, computers and batteries. •Created professional reports, instruction manuals, and inventories which supplemented testing results. •Used Panasonic testing applications and special equipment such as temperature chambers to test hardware and software of different products. •Created power consumption datasheets accompanied to battery test reports for the different models of the Panasonic Toughbook series.•Performed numerous tests on Panasonic products such as tablets, docking stations, computers and batteries. •Created professional reports, instruction manuals, and inventories which supplemented testing results. •Used Panasonic testing applications and special equipment such as temperature chambers to test hardware and software of different products. •Created power consumption datasheets accompanied to battery test reports for the different models of the Panasonic Toughbook series. - [ ![Cisco logo](https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/v2/D560BAQFfAUCHLV713w/company-logo_100_100/company-logo_100_100/0/1722447432370/cisco_logo?e=1731542400&v=beta&t=oh0qm5CUPSA4hmkQ0-M1D8G3pp9JBW12odITrFKzL8U) ](https://www.linkedin.com/company/1063/) Network Engineer InternNetwork Engineer Intern CiscoCiscoMay 2017 - Aug 2017 · 4 mosMay 2017 to Aug 2017 · 4 mosRaleigh-Durham, North Carolina AreaRaleigh-Durham, North Carolina Area - - • Obtained the CCNA Routing & Switching certification. • Worked on a Service Activation Standardization project for Cisco employees which included three steps: 1.Redesigned the entire customer activation page for Cloud Managed Services (CMS) on the Cisco website by organizing existent documentation by sections and creating new guides to help new employees become more familiar with Cisco documentation. 2.Integrated and adapted monitoring profiles with the Smartsheet software in order to standardize these profiles. By using Smartsheet, we were able to create a system to allow Cisco employees to make changes, edit, and update monitoring profiles in real time. Also, we used Cisco Spark to create a notification center to notify lead engineers about any requests to edit or update information. This allowed lead engineers to approve or deny any change requests submitted by members of their respective teams. 3. Analyzed and organized Enterprise Customer monitoring profiles for clients such as H&M, Baxter, Johnson & Johnson, and Barclays. We created documentation for these profiles based on the different alarms that devices such as switches, routers, and servers from these companies provided us. We compared the Enterprise Customer profiles with the profiles on the Cisco website and came up with a summary of all alarms and devices to be modified or added for future references. • Worked with the Cisco Operations NOC performing several tasks including: - Provided technical support to The Home Depot employees for store and non-store locations in the U.S. and Canada. - Created tickets and documented a variety of cases in order to provide an efficient solution to technical problems. - Actively engaged with clients and technical support teams on a daily basis. -Maintained an organized registry of existing and new cases. ​• Obtained the CCNA Routing & Switching certification. • Worked on a Service Activation Standardization project for Cisco employees which included three steps: 1.Redesigned the entire customer activation page for Cloud Managed Services (CMS) on the Cisco website by organizing existent documentation by sections and creating new guides to help new employees become more familiar with Cisco documentation. 2.Integrated and adapted monitoring profiles with the Smartsheet software in order to standardize these profiles. By using Smartsheet, we were able to create a system to allow Cisco employees to make changes, edit, and update monitoring profiles in real time. Also, we used Cisco Spark to create a notification center to notify lead engineers about any requests to edit or update information. This allowed lead engineers to approve or deny any change requests submitted by members of their respective teams. 3. Analyzed and organized Enterprise Customer monitoring profiles for clients such as H&M, Baxter, Johnson & Johnson, and Barclays. We created documentation for these profiles based on the different alarms that devices such as switches, routers, and servers from these companies provided us. We compared the Enterprise Customer profiles with the profiles on the Cisco website and came up with a summary of all alarms and devices to be modified or added for future references. • Worked with the Cisco Operations NOC performing several tasks including: - Provided technical support to The Home Depot employees for store and non-store locations in the U.S. and Canada. - Created tickets and documented a variety of cases in order to provide an efficient solution to technical problems. - Actively engaged with clients and technical support teams on a daily basis. -Maintained an organized registry of existing and new cases.​ - [ ![New Jersey Institute of Technology logo](https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C4E0BAQGeM2xL_Ibjhw/company-logo_100_100/0/1630582551756/njit_logo?e=1731542400&v=beta&t=nHd8Hzuz-Cp9VM7zO62C8bUCUKUwl5oZuOb-fvq72PA) ](https://www.linkedin.com/company/165198/) Undergraduate Teaching Assistant Undergraduate Teaching Assistant New Jersey Institute of TechnologyNew Jersey Institute of TechnologyMay 2016 - Aug 2016 · 4 mosMay 2016 to Aug 2016 · 4 mosGreater New York City AreaGreater New York City Area - - - Tutored a group of 30 students from the EOP summer program in Physics and Math. -Organized and prepared extra sessions for students and occasionally lectured the class. -Created tests and quizzes to prepare and provide practice to students. -Maintained an organized grade book of all students. - Tutored a group of 30 students from the EOP summer program in Physics and Math. -Organized and prepared extra sessions for students and occasionally lectured the class. -Created tests and quizzes to prepare and provide practice to students. -Maintained an organized grade book of all students. - [ ![Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society International logo](https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C4D0BAQEvd8FCzPB64g/company-logo_100_100/0/1635350236563/phi_theta_kappa_logo?e=1731542400&v=beta&t=LI8JEalFWqEgbqVEHtvccuR8MlehVwJhNrGYaZv8J-M) ](https://www.linkedin.com/company/47292/) Vice President Of ServicesVice President Of Services Phi Theta KappaPhi Theta KappaMay 2015 - May 2016 · 1 yr 1 moMay 2015 to May 2016 · 1 yr 1 moUnited StatesUnited States - - - Managed necessary documents and paperwork to organize fundraising and academic events throughout the semester. - Maintained a well-organized digital record of volunteering hours and volunteering experience for all the members of the ECC Phi Theta Kappa chapter. -Promoted and advertised several social activities for the Essex County College community. -Represented the ECC Phi Theta Kappa chapter in the regional and national events.- Managed necessary documents and paperwork to organize fundraising and academic events throughout the semester. - Maintained a well-organized digital record of volunteering hours and volunteering experience for all the members of the ECC Phi Theta Kappa chapter. -Promoted and advertised several social activities for the Essex County College community. -Represented the ECC Phi Theta Kappa chapter in the regional and national events. - [ ![Essex County College logo](https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C510BAQHHK5z7JOyARQ/company-logo_100_100/0/1631332266233?e=1731542400&v=beta&t=S4WlKuuwN45OjOhpLP2_eV6BL5f7CHIl3qNglN0Mm3Y) ](https://www.linkedin.com/company/24846/) Teaching Assistant / TutorTeaching Assistant / Tutor Essex County CollegeEssex County CollegeSep 2013 - May 2016 · 2 yrs 9 mosSep 2013 to May 2016 · 2 yrs 9 mosGreater New York City AreaGreater New York City Area - - -Tutored students from different majors in Algebra, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Chemistry and Physics. -Organized students in groups to prepare them for exams and quizzes weekly. -Actively engaged with students each session by using a tutoring approach based on examples.-Tutored students from different majors in Algebra, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Chemistry and Physics. -Organized students in groups to prepare them for exams and quizzes weekly. -Actively engaged with students each session by using a tutoring approach based on examples. - [ ![Mayfair Farms logo](https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/v2/C560BAQFvoNT4JdGA4A/company-logo_100_100/company-logo_100_100/0/1631316334964?e=1731542400&v=beta&t=cO3d0bKsBQ7-JQHGm3o4znkmCn-LrjkqYRT6K1PiTds) ](https://www.linkedin.com/company/3001700/) WaiterWaiter Mayfair FarmsMayfair FarmsSep 2013 - Oct 2014 · 1 yr 2 mosSep 2013 to Oct 2014 · 1 yr 2 mosGreater New York City AreaGreater New York City Area - - -Responsible for organizing the place and assisting people with their weddings, banquets, meetings, and any other kind of events. -Provided friendly customer service in order to create comfortable environment suitable for a variety of events. -Set up tables, chairs and decorations based on the organizational plan for each event. https://github.com/balt1794/takeoff Full Stack Web Developer 💻 [6 followers](https://github.com/balt1794?tab=followers) · [1 following](https://github.com/balt1794?tab=following) - ResumeBoostAI - NJ, United States - [https://resumeboostai.com/](https://resumeboostai.com/) - [@balt1794](https://twitter.com/balt1794) - [in/bryam-loaiza-a09b53126](https://www.linkedin.com/in/bryam-loaiza-a09b53126/) - [https://resumeboostai.com/](https://resumeboostai.com/) ### How old is Bryam Loaiza? [Bryam Loaiza](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/bryam-loaiza_id_G-5471869838051983270 "FastPeopleSearch on Bryam Loaiza") is 29 years old, and was born in August of 1994. ### Where does Bryam Loaiza live currently? [Bryam Loaiza](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/bryam-loaiza_id_G-5471869838051983270 "FastPeopleSearch on Bryam Loaiza")'s current address is [70 Russell Ave, Rahway NJ 07065](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/address/70-russell-ave_rahway-nj-07065 "Find people who lived at 70 Russell Ave, Rahway NJ 07065"). Bryam has lived there for about 5 years, since September of 2018. ### Who is related to Bryam Loaiza? [Bryam Loaiza](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/bryam-loaiza_id_G-5471869838051983270 "FastPeopleSearch on Bryam Loaiza") is likely related to the following people: [Jessica Torres](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/jessica-torres_id_G2306056234107105898 "Run a fast people search on Jessica Torres"), [Jessica Torres](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/jessica-torres_id_G-5401303136395867093 "Run a fast people search on Jessica Torres"), [Mary White](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/mary-white_id_G188903028177018056 "Run a fast people search on Mary White"), [Angel Celi](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/angel-celi_id_G4497840637166227214 "Run a fast people search on Angel Celi"), [Bernise Lopez](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/bernise-lopez_id_G6098333098246810777 "Run a fast people search on Bernise Lopez"), [Braz Lopes](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/braz-lopes_id_G5561780410024888995 "Run a fast people search on Braz Lopes"), [Carla Reo](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/carla-reo_id_G-8666249859137208268 "Run a fast people search on Carla Reo"), [Emmet White](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/emmet-white_id_G-3937749857430409462 "Run a fast people search on Emmet White"), [Gregorio Santos](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/gregorio-santos_id_G-7970780915861136111 "Run a fast people search on Gregorio Santos"), [Helena Santos](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/helena-santos_id_G-7241889574545446357 "Run a fast people search on Helena Santos"), [Heloisa Santos](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/heloisa-santos_id_G2862440653801870422 "Run a fast people search on Heloisa Santos") ### Is Bryam Loaiza alive today? Yes! [Bryam Loaiza](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/bryam-loaiza_id_G-5471869838051983270 "FastPeopleSearch on Bryam Loaiza") is living today. ### Does Bryam Loaiza go by any other names or aliases? [Bryam Loaiza](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/bryam-loaiza_id_G-5471869838051983270 "FastPeopleSearch on Bryam Loaiza") may also go by the following names or aliases: Bryam A Loaiza Torres, Bryam A Loaiza Torres, A Loaiza Torres Bryam ### Who does Bryam Loaiza associate with? The following people are friends, co-workers, partners, roomates, or otherwise associated with [Bryam Loaiza](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/bryam-loaiza_id_G-5471869838051983270 "FastPeopleSearch on Bryam Loaiza"): [Hugo Pozo](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/hugo-pozo_id_G5075811165211152139 "Run a FastPeopleSearch on Hugo Pozo"), [Hugo Pozo](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/hugo-pozo_id_G-1824456496373236854 "Run a FastPeopleSearch on Hugo Pozo"), [Adenilva Ramos](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/adenilva-ramos_id_G-2059208900091822692 "Run a FastPeopleSearch on Adenilva Ramos"), [Flavio Ribeiro](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/flavio-ribeiro_id_G7633057155751119896 "Run a FastPeopleSearch on Flavio Ribeiro"), [Jose Silva](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/jose-silva_id_G-8865822142857311664 "Run a FastPeopleSearch on Jose Silva"), [Roberto Milan](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/roberto-milan_id_G-7038793067714922905 "Run a FastPeopleSearch on Roberto Milan") ### Where did Bryam Loaiza live previously? [Bryam Loaiza](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/bryam-loaiza_id_G-5471869838051983270 "FastPeopleSearch on Bryam Loaiza") was registered, and likely lived at the following addresses in the past: | [35 Adams St, Newark NJ 07105](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/address/35-adams-st_newark-nj-07105 "Search people who lived at 35 Adams St, Newark NJ 07105") | [141 Prospect St, Unit 1L, Newark NJ 07105](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/address/141-prospect-st-unit-1l_newark-nj-07105 "Search people who lived at 141 Prospect St, Unit 1L, Newark NJ 07105") **Bryam Loaiza** is 29 years old and was born in August of 1994. Currently Bryam lives at the address **[70 Russell Ave, Rahway NJ 07065](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/address/70-russell-ave_rahway-nj-07065 "Search people who live at the address 70 Russell Ave, Rahway NJ 07065")**. Bryam has lived at this **Rahway, NJ** address for about 5 years, after moving in around September of 2018. Bryam previously lived at [35 Adams St, Newark NJ 07105](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/address/35-adams-st_newark-nj-07105 "Search people who live at the address 35 Adams St, Newark NJ 07105") for 1 year, starting in August of 2013. Going further back, starting in August of 2021, Bryam lived at [141 Prospect St, Unit 1L, Newark NJ 07105](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/address/141-prospect-st-unit-1l_newark-nj-07105 "Search people living at 141 Prospect St, Unit 1L, Newark NJ 07105"). Public records do not indicate that Bryam Loaiza is currently married. The following people are relatives or close associates of Bryam: [Jessica Torres](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/jessica-torres_id_G2306056234107105898 "FastPeopleSearch for Jessica Torres")(48), [Jessica Torres](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/jessica-torres_id_G-5401303136395867093 "FastPeopleSearch for Jessica Torres")(48), [Mary White](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/mary-white_id_G188903028177018056 "FastPeopleSearch for Mary White")(61), [Angel Celi](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/angel-celi_id_G4497840637166227214 "FastPeopleSearch for Angel Celi")(53), [Bernise Lopez](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/bernise-lopez_id_G6098333098246810777 "FastPeopleSearch for Bernise Lopez")(45), [Braz Lopes](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/braz-lopes_id_G5561780410024888995 "FastPeopleSearch for Braz Lopes")(76), [Carla Reo](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/carla-reo_id_G-8666249859137208268 "FastPeopleSearch for Carla Reo")(52), [Emmet White](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/emmet-white_id_G-3937749857430409462 "FastPeopleSearch for Emmet White")(103), [Gregorio Santos](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/gregorio-santos_id_G-7970780915861136111 "FastPeopleSearch for Gregorio Santos")(33), [Helena Santos](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/helena-santos_id_G-7241889574545446357 "FastPeopleSearch for Helena Santos")(59) and [Heloisa Santos](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/heloisa-santos_id_G2862440653801870422 "FastPeopleSearch for Heloisa Santos")(37). Education for Bryam Loaiza Essex County College Associate’s Degree Electrical and Electronics Engineering 2013 - 2016 New Jersey Institute of Technology Bachelor’s Degree Electrical and Electronics Engineering 2016 - 2018## Current Employment for Bryam Loaiza [Unlock @ReachData](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/propertyreach-ad-tracking?partnerUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reachdata.com%2Fsignup%2Fa%3Futm_source%3Dfps%26utm_medium%3Ddetail-unlock%26utm_campaign%3Dmta "Get premium leads and prospects from ReachData.com") Vxxxxx Jersey City, NJ Title: DEVELOPER I ## Work Experience for Bryam Loaiza [Unlock @ReachData](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/propertyreach-ad-tracking?partnerUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reachdata.com%2Fsignup%2Fa%3Futm_source%3Dfps%26utm_medium%3Ddetail-unlock%26utm_campaign%3Dmta "Get premium leads and prospects from ReachData.com") CONTROL xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JUNIOR CONTROLS ENGINEER 3 months CORE xxxxxxxxxxxx PROJECT DESIGNER 1 year 1 month BEUxxxxxxxxx CONTROLS ENGINEER (SOFTWARE) 8 months SCHINDLERxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ELECTRICAL ENGINEER 1 year 5 months AMSxxxxxxxxx AUTOMATION ENGINEER 4 months PANxxxxxxxxxx PRODUCT ENGINEER INTERN 8 months Cxxxx NETWORK ENGINEER INTERN 4 months NEW JERSEYxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx UNDERGRADUATE TEACHING ASSISTANT 4 months PHI xxxxxxxxxxx VICE PRESIDENT OF SERVICES 1 year 1 month ESSEX xxxxxxxxxxxxxx TEACHING ASSISTANT / TUTOR 2 years 9 months MAYxxxxxxxxxx SERVER 1 year 2 months Vxxxxx DEVELOPER I 5 months ## Associates of Bryam Loaiza in Rahway, NJ [Hugo Pozo](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/hugo-pozo_id_G5075811165211152139 "Details for Hugo Pozo") Age 49(Jun 1975) [Hugo Pozo](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/hugo-pozo_id_G-1824456496373236854 "Details for Hugo Pozo") Age 49(Jun 1975) [Adenilva Ramos](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/adenilva-ramos_id_G-2059208900091822692 "Details for Adenilva Ramos") Age 42(Jul 1982) [Flavio Ribeiro](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/flavio-ribeiro_id_G7633057155751119896 "Details for Flavio Ribeiro") Age 57(Feb 1967) [Jose Silva](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/jose-silva_id_G-8865822142857311664 "Details for Jose Silva") Age 75(Jul 1949) [Roberto Milan](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/roberto-milan_id_G-7038793067714922905 "Details for Roberto Milan") Age 60(May 1964) ## Current Address Property Details ### [70 Russell Ave Rahway NJ 07065](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/address/70-russell-ave_rahway-nj-07065 "Search people living at 70 Russell Ave, Rahway NJ 07065") Union County Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Square Feet 1,256 Year Built 1941 Estimated Value $516,000 Estimated Equity $46,300 Last Sale Amount $285,000 Last Sale Date 2017-09-07 Occupancy Type Owner Occupied Ownership Type Individual Land Use Single Family Residential Property Class Residential Lot SqFt. 4,500 ## Previous Addresses used by Bryam Loaiza [35 Adams St Newark NJ 07105](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/address/35-adams-st_newark-nj-07105 "Search people who live at 35 Adams St, Newark NJ 07105") Essex County Recorded August 2013 [141 Prospect St, Unit 1L Newark NJ 07105](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/address/141-prospect-st-unit-1l_newark-nj-07105 "Search people who live at 141 Prospect St, Unit 1L, Newark NJ 07105") Essex County Recorded August 2021 ## Relatives of Bryam Loaiza in Rahway, NJ [Jessica Torres](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/jessica-torres_id_G2306056234107105898 "Details for Jessica Torres") Age 48 (Jan 1976) [Jessica Torres](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/jessica-torres_id_G-5401303136395867093 "Details for Jessica Torres") Age 48 (Jan 1976) [Mary White](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/mary-white_id_G188903028177018056 "Details for Mary White") Age 61 (May 1963) [Angel Celi](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/angel-celi_id_G4497840637166227214 "Details for Angel Celi") Age 53 (Oct 1970) [Bernise Lopez](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/bernise-lopez_id_G6098333098246810777 "Details for Bernise Lopez") Age 45 (Sep 1978) [Braz Lopes](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/braz-lopes_id_G5561780410024888995 "Details for Braz Lopes") Age 76 (Jan 1948) [Carla Reo](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/carla-reo_id_G-8666249859137208268 "Details for Carla Reo") Age 52 (Oct 1971) [Emmet White](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/emmet-white_id_G-3937749857430409462 "Details for Emmet White") Age 103 (Jan 1921) [Gregorio Santos](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/gregorio-santos_id_G-7970780915861136111 "Details for Gregorio Santos") Age 33 (Nov 1990) [Helena Santos](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/helena-santos_id_G-7241889574545446357 "Details for Helena Santos") Age 59 (Aug 1964) [Heloisa Santos](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/heloisa-santos_id_G2862440653801870422 "Details for Heloisa Santos") Age 37 (Mar 1987) [Jorge Lopes](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/jorge-lopes_id_G-1437187655664966637 "Details for Jorge Lopes") Age 78 (Feb 1946) [Jorge Lopez](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/jorge-lopez_id_G-7676994361960197566 "Details for Jorge Lopez") Age 55 (Oct 1968) [Kevin White](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/kevin-white_id_G5780706507093952818 "Details for Kevin White") Age 37 (Mar 1987) [Leomar Santos](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/leomar-santos_id_G4350540550913380268 "Details for Leomar Santos") Age 42 (Apr 1982) [Leonor Santos](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/leonor-santos_id_G9009060322532257253 "Details for Leonor Santos") Age 37 (Mar 1987) [Luis Hernandez](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/luis-hernandez_id_G6994803689083129567 "Details for Luis Hernandez") Age 47 (Jul 1977) [Manuel Gomes](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/manuel-gomes_id_G936817775341343509 "Details for Manuel Gomes") Age 58 (Apr 1966) [Marco Lopez](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/marco-lopez_id_G4918801723103278172 "Details for Marco Lopez") Age 65 (Aug 1959) [Maria Lopes](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/maria-lopes_id_G-6820528314454921371 "Details for Maria Lopes") Age 65 (Feb 1959) [Maria Lopes](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/maria-lopes_id_G-6328618370454176866 "Details for Maria Lopes") Age 61 (Feb 1963) ### Bryam A Loaiza Torres ### Bryam A Loaiza Torres ### A Loaiza Torres Bryam # Bryam Loaiza in Rahway, NJ (New Jersey) ## Age 29 [View Full Background Report ](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/premiumLink?partnerUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.peoplefinders.com%2Fcheckout%2Fbackground-check%3FfirstName%3DBryam%26middleName%3D%26lastName%3DLoaiza%26city%3DRahway%26state%3DNJ%26id%3DG-5471869838051983270%26productMenuName%3Dsearch-name-background%26productOfferId%3DPremium-Membership-3-Day-Trial%26utm_source%3Dfastps%26utm_campaign%3Dpf_topbutton_details_bgtrialcheckout "Full Background Report Available that includes criminal records and more") ## Current Address (Since September 2018) ### [70 Russell Ave Rahway NJ 07065](https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/address/70-russell-ave_rahway-nj-07065 "Search people living at 70 Russell Ave, Rahway NJ 07065") Union County 3 Beds | 2 Bath | 1,256 SqFt. | Built in 1941 Estimated Value $516,000 Estimated Equity $46,300 Last Sale Amount $285,000 Last Sale Date 2017-09-07