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Table Of Contents
       0x00 Introduction............................
       0x01 Reason..................................
       0x02 Personal Information....................
       0x03 Socials.................................
[INTRODUCTION] its me GodFatherJae and this dox Is On A Backstabbin Nigga that i will be doxxing right now enjoy!

[REASON] Switchin up on me for a bitch tht he jus met today and jus acting hella fake fo no reason

Name: Joan Pace
Age: 16
City: Ronkonkoma
State: New York
Zip Code:11779
Address:248 Parkwood St, Lake Ronkonkoma NY 11779
Phone number:646-752-2686
Skin Color:Black
Race:Afican American

Discord: ski7956
Instagram: trxpzskidj
Donald Pace
Kimberly Pace
Donna Kluepfel
Michael Pace
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