-Little background on this larp:
Acts tough on telegram but changes his username
and deletes his accounts after being dox. Attacks
people for no reason on telegram,including me
and threatening how he will dox me. He was only
able to find some social media accounts which 
i of course made on purpose,but at the end didnt
even get my country right. So bitix,please behave
better online,dont larp about being harmful,and get
urself doxxed.

Side Note: made this dox quickly but ill add more info soon

Country: Russia
City: Moscow

Full Name: Artyom Yablochkin
Age: 16
Hobbies: Goin on telegram wastin time
Race: White
Ethnicity: Christian
Phone number: +77768356071, +79995896941
Operator: Beeline

VKontakte: Izumi Miyamura
Whatsapp: +77768356071
Email address: ablockinartem1@gmail.com
Tiktok: @b1t1x
His group full of larping skids: t.me/WorldHackersChat
Telegram: @b1t1x
Instagram: @b1t1x
Instagram ID: 29427309284
Telegram ID:6197665622
Telegram Account Created: July 2023
Идзуми Миямура
ID: 664971232
├ login: shadowvox
├ gender: мужской
├ website: Stack Overflow
├ site: https://www.pygram.ru
└ date of registration: 21.07.2021 14:56

Outro: Thats it for now,ill add some extra stuff soon <3