It's better to be feared than loved. You're neither, Azagarat.

 ^ ^                 
(   ) Cred:

                                                                         I N T R O D U C T I O N

                           sup skids, retards, hackers & morons! Today I'm helping the community by uploading a dox on azagarat, retarded skid who
                                                   thinks he can DDOS people (PS: he can't). Sent to hell by kay 

- reupload because it broke age tos last time it was uploaded
- some info (like discord) might be outdated

|  _____________________________  |
| |   Doxxed: >> Azagarat  <<   | |
| |_____________________________| |

|              Table Of Contents            | 
|      0x01  Introduction...................|
|      0x02  Basic Information..............|
|      0x03  Family Information.............|
|      0x04  Social Media...................|
|      0x05  IP Information.................|
|      0x06  House Information..............|

|           0x01 >[Introduction:]<          | 
# Monkey going around on the internet thinking hes something >>
# Threatens to ddos anyone who comes his way with no way of backing it up

# Shitty skid that thinks he can ddos and dox but really hes a harmless ape.

- Proof:

|        0x02 >[Basic Information:]<        | 

Enslaved monkey can be find @ Azagarat#4545 (401342988715950081)

# Alias(s)............... Azagarat
# Full Name.............. Theodor Malmgren
# Age.................... 1*
# Occupation............. Internet monkey
# Phone Number........... Unknown
# Email(s)............... 
# DOB.................... 08XXXX
# Relationship Status.... Single (retard)
# Picture(s)............. 
# Address................ Inganlid 7, 824 65 Näsviken

|        0x03 >[Family Information:]<       | 

# Mother's Name.........  Malin Persson
# Age.................... 37
# Occupation............. Idfk she poor at least breh
# Social security number. 19850406-7607
# Phone Number........... None registered
# Email(s)............... Unknown
# Relationship Status.... Together with 'Patrik Malmgren' (Not married)
# Picture(s).............,
# Address................ Inganlid 7, 824 65 Näsviken
# Facebook...............


# Father's Name..........  Patrik Lars Malmgren 
# Age.................... 36
# Born in................ Ockelbo
# Occupation............. Idfk hes poor at least breh
# Social security number. 19850819-7673
# Phone Number........... 072-703 19 85 (Cell)
# Email(s)............... Unknown
# Relationship Status.... Together with 'Malin Persson' (Not married)
# Picture(s).............
# Address................ Inganlid 7, 824 65 Näsviken
# Facebook...............
# Instagram..............


# Sisters name........... Alma 
# Age.................... 1*
# Born in................ 2007
# Picture(s).............
# Address................ Inganlid 7, 824 65 Näsviken


# Sisters name........... Elidia
# Age.................... *
# Born in................ 2019
# Address................ Inganlid 7, 824 65 Näsviken


# Animal 1............... Mixed
# Name................... Unknown
# Sex.................... Female
# Age.................... *
# Owned by............... 'Malin Persson (Relation: Mother)'


# Animal 2............... Bichon Havanais
# Name................... Unknown
# Sex.................... Female
# Age.................... *
# Owned by............... 'Patrik Malmgren (Relation: Father)'


# Vehicle 1.............
# Brand................. Ford
# Model................. S-Max 2.5 T
# Model year............ 2006
# Owned by.............. 'Patrik Malmgren (Relation: Father)'
# License plate......... TSH123
# Chassis number........ WF0SXXGBWS6U33142
# Owned by leasing...... No
# Activated............. Yes
# Previous owners....... 7

# Vehicle 2.............
# Brand................. Volvo
# Model................. V70
# Model year............ 1998
# Owned by.............. 'Patrik Malmgren (Relation: Father)'
# License plate......... HKZ888
# Chassis number........ LW5522W2487580
# Owned by leasing...... No
# Activated............. No
# Previous owners....... 4

# Vehicle 3.............
# Brand................. Volvo
# Model................. S60 D5
# Model year............ 2006/2007
# Owned by.............. 'Patrik Malmgren (Relation: Father)'
# License plate......... HHG320
# Chassis number........ YV1RS714172621531
# Owned by leasing...... No
# Activated............. Yes
# Previous owners....... 3

|           0x04 >[Social Media:]<          |

# Twitch................
# Discord............... Azagarat#4545
# Instagram.............

|          0x05 >[IP Information:]<         | 

IP: unknown
Country: Sweden
(US) Region: Hudiksvall
City: Hudiksvall
Timezone: Stockholm
ISP: Telia sweden

|        0x06 >[House Information:]<        | 

Built in (?)
Stories: 1 (Possibly + basement)
105 sqm
Color: Gray/Green
General picture(s):,
Shit pictures but couldn't get any closer

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