___________________________    __________________________
                                                 || Never sell CP again Pedo ass nigga
                                                 || Myg0t 0wns Y0U
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                                │             Table of Contents            │
                                ⤷ ‣ 0x01: Introduction                     ⤶
                                  ‣ 0x02: Personal Information
                                  ‣ 0x03: Location
                                  ‣ 0x04: House Information
                                  ‣ 0x05: Online Presence
                                  ‣ 0x06: Family, Partners and Friends
                                │    0x01       Introduction               │
                                ⤷ ayultie is a old fag larp with a familys selling cp of his children and makes most of his money from selling child porn and larping hes in myg0t ⤶
                                │    0x02    Personal Information          │
                                ⤷ ‣ Name: Jack Hallow                  ⤶
                                  ‣ Age: 28
                                  ‣ Date of Birth: Saturday August 3, 1996
                                  ‣ Gender: Male
                                  ‣ Face: https://ibb.co/9yR0r84
                                  ‣ Phone Number: ‪(786) 625-2686‬ 
                                  ‣ School: Temple Moor High School
                                  . School Address: 22 Primrose Rd, Halton, Leeds LS15 7RR
                                  ‣ Email: copyrightservicegroup@gmail.com
                                  ‣ IP Address: (not sure how old this ip is)
                                    ‣ ISP: M247 Europe SRL
                                    ‣ ASN: 51332
                                  ‣ Relationship Status: Married
                                │    0x03          Location                │
                                ⤷ ‣ Continent: United Kingdom               ⤶
                                  ‣ Country: England
                                  ‣ Town/City: Leeds
                                  ‣ Home Address: 22 Primrose Rd, Halton, Leeds LS15 7RR
                                  ‣ Zip Code: LS15 7RR
                                  ‣ Coordinates: 
                                  ‣ Google Maps: https://maps.app.goo.gl/kPhxYzgkjKuCcsJ76
                                  ‣ House Photo: https://ibb.co/hB77FH3
                                  ‣ Past Addresses: N/A
                                │    0x04     House Information            │
                                ⤷ ‣ Bedrooms: 2                            ⤶
                                  ‣ Bathrooms: 1
                                  ‣ Year Built: 1963
                                  ‣ Estimated Value: $32,100
                                  ‣ Estimated Price When Bought: $15,100
                                  ‣ When Bought: 05/31/2018
                                │    0x05      Online Presence             │
                                ⤷ ‣ Online Alias: ayultie                  ⤶
                                  ‣ Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@jelqstars/
                                  ‣ Discord username: zustle
                                  ‣ Discord server: discord.gg/mvRf6wys
                                │   0x06 Family, Partners, and Friends     │
                                ⤷                - Father -                ⤶
                                ‣ Name: Paul Hallow JR
                                ‣ Age: 53
                                ‣ Date of Birth: N/A
                                ‣ Gender: Male
                                ‣ Face: https://ibb.co/1TgWPmB
                                ‣ Nudes: https://ibb.co/b1mWZX5
                                ‣ Phone Number: (314) 485-9524‬
                                ‣ Emails:
                                   1. paulhallow82@gmail.com
                                   2. pauljt93hallow82@gmail.com
                                   3. hallowjj@yahoo.com
                                ‣ Home Address: 53 Farrow Rd, Leeds LS12 3TB
                                ‣ Relationship Status: Divorced
                                ⤷                - Ayultie/Jacks Wife -          ⤶
                                ‣ Name: Jessica Hallow
                                ‣ Age: 19
                                ‣ Date of Birth: N/A
                                ‣ Gender: Female
                                ‣ SSN: N/A 
                                ‣ Face: N/A
                                ‣ Phone Number: 830-734-2144
                                ‣ Email: N/A
                                ‣ Home Address: 306 Kenwood Ave, Del Rio, TX
                                ‣ Past Addresses: N/A
                                ‣ Relationship Status: Married
                                ‣ ISP: Virgin-media
                                ‣ Sexuality: Bisexual
                                ‣ Possible Father: Dave G Heaton
                                ⤷           - Other Related People -        ⤶
                                1. Cristal Martinez
                                2. David Torres
                                3. Denisse Lopez
                                4. Efrain Alzola  
                                5. Ernestina Rivera  
                                6. Josh Cardenas  
                                7. Joshua Garcia  
                                8. Maria Areola  
                                9. Paula Cruz  
                                10. Madison Taylor  
│                                               END OF DOX                                                     │

ps... i hope this makes u stop selling cp u fucking pedo freak