.---._ .--(. ' .).--. . .-. . ( ' _) .)` ( .)-. ( ) '-' ( , ). `(' . _) (') _________ '-' ____[_________] ________ \__/ | _ \ || ,;,;,, [________] _][__|(")/__|| ,;;;;;;;;, __________ __________ _| LILI |_ / e | |____ | | | | | | ____| (| .--. .--.| | ___ | | | | | | ____| |____ | /|/ .. \~~/ .. \_|_.-.__.-._|_|_.-:__:-._|_|_.-.__.-._|_|_.-.__.-._| +=/_|\ '' /~~\ '' /=+( o )( o )+==( o )( o )=+=( o )( o )+==( o )( o )=+= ='=='='--'==+='--'===+'-'=='-'==+=='-'+='-'===+='-'=='-'==+=='-'=+'-'==+ reason for dox:slut and annoying racist address:604 7th ave plesant grove alabama name:Amber harbison age :16 she is a racisst that need to be stoped her brother is a pedo and her family is nazi lovers i didnt want to dox a girl but she is sum diff i swear already swatted her btw .