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Reason   : Trash Talking

            DISCORD: avokaa 
            [+] E-Mail       : not found

            [+] Phone Number : +36 30 875 5469 (Dad Phone)
            [+] Brand        : Vodafone
            [+] Operator     : None
            [+] Type Number  : None
            [+] Country      : Hungary
            [+] Region       : HU
            [+] Timezone     : HU

            [+] Gender      : Male
            [+] Last Name   : Viktor
            [+] First Name  : Szentesi
            [+] Age         :  15

            [+] Mother      : Skaliczki Judit 
            [+] Father      : Péter Szentesi
            [+] Brother     : Szentesi Lilla Laura
            [+] Continent   : Hungary, HU 
            [+] Country     : Hungary
            [+] Region      : Budapest
            [+] Postal Code : 3045
            [+] City        : Bár
            [+] Address     : not found
            [+] Timezone    : HU

            [+]instagram: viktor_sznt
            [+]mother facebook: https://www.facebook.com/skaliczki.judit.5
            [+]father facebook: https://www.facebook.com/peter.szentesi.54
            [+]broher facebook: https://www.facebook.com/szentesi.lillalaura

            Pictures of the family. 
            family pic: https://ibb.co/T49J4W4
            mom pic: https://ibb.co/93d7cnt
            father pic: https://ibb.co/93d7cnt 
            Reason   : Trash Talking