Mayank Paliwal Age: 16 DOB: 05/08/2003 School Email: Home Number: 732-318-6016 Youtube: Instagram: @mayank_p3 Full Address: 6 Maryland Ave Edison, NJ 08820 Reasoning/Crimes: Sent a false bomb/school shooting threat containing child porn to his local high school. Attempted to rape a preteen girl last semester and sexually harrasses people on social media. Proof: _____________ Father Himanshu Paliwal Cell: 908-279-4619 Email: Employment: None Scammer, paedophile, DDoser, and child groomer. His son claims that he sexually abused him as a child. _____________ Mother Mani Paliwal Cell: 908-209-4387 _____________ Uncle Yagnesh Patel Cell: 516-782-1793 [NOTE] by the way im looking for 1-2 people that can take down a website for half a hour DM me on twitter-cantcatchmefbi and prove you can take a website down by shutting down soundcloud -cantcatchclan