Tatum Mai Kramm 

common user: tatumlovescars

gender: female
race: asian (cambodian)
address: 1430 La Guardia Cir, Lincoln, CA 95648 (go stupid, go crazy with this one)
weight: around 160
height: 5'8
sexual orientation: straight (hard to believe)
birthday: october 27th
additional information: originally born in oregon, hops from boyfriend to boyfriend (whore), the biggest fucking racist,  and has an insane fetish and obsession with any motor vehicle

discord: tatumlovescars

tiktok: tatumluvscars ( https://www.tiktok.com/@tatumluvscars?lang=en )

roblox: tatumlovescars ( https://www.roblox.com/users/2900445230/profile )

youtube: TatumLovesCars ( https://www.youtube.com/@TatumLovesCars )

snapchat: tatumlovescars

steam: TatumK ( https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199700437365 )

what she look like: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1236636155542372364/1261500693521502218/image.png?ex=66932f92&is=6691de12&hm=c264da812de87b3c89f526dfda31d3a11f45befd4f03cd091d976a246ccfe001&=&format=webp&quality=lossless

Aliyah Kramm (older sister)

Catherine Kramm (mother) - (916) 834-5615

Micah Kramm (father) - (916) 834-5622


goofy e-bf:

Joshua Brackett

common user: ironmonkx

gender: male
race: white as shit
sexual orientation: straight
birthday: november 6th
school: Felix Varela Senior High School
additional information: picks chicks up off of discord because he cant keep a real girl, lives in miami flordia and is insanely christian (hates gays like mad)

discord: ironmonkx

roblox: Cooldood36792 ( https://www.roblox.com/users/902022354/profile )

youtube: ironmonk.x ( https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy_7UArQSB_WGQG3Lp_7dBA )

snapchat: ironmonkx

steam: sosa ( https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199012341143 )

tiktok:jitluhtoogen ( https://www.tiktok.com/@jitluhtoogen )

what he look like (ugly mf): https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1236636155542372364/1261503140981768283/image.png?ex=669331da&is=6691e05a&hm=9131124d77e842f2e5f5f951aa272056cb09269e4188aa77476eaf4639541817&=&format=webp&quality=lossless


Max Earl Brackett (father)

Sophia Evelyn Brackett (sister)
