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//Before we start lets talk a little bit about this girl. SHe is a werid self diagnosed schizo and major depression, aswell as various other
//maniulative gaslighting lies. She is Fat as fuck, but is also somehow fatfobic.
//Lies about addiction for attention and sympathy. Has posted content about having incest with multiple siblings
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! ~$ Alias's;
!! ~$ Location;
!!! ~$ SOcials;
                  ! ~$ -Alias-
                  	+ Jayda Mallia;
			+ Age- March 16, 2005
                  !! ~$ -Location-
                  	+ Ontario Canada; (Sault Ste. Marie ontario canada)
                    + School (grade 11)
                    	- https://www.adsb.on.ca/apps/pages/kina-awiiya-courses
                     	 -  644 Albert Street East, Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6A 2K7 (SCHOOL address)
			  - Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada
                    	   - tel:+18883933639, 705-945-7111


                  !!! ~$ -Socials-
                  	@g0thg0r3wh0r3 // one insta
                    	@angel.hxzrd  // other insta
			@monst3rh1ghd0ll //on tiktok
			@emob1mb0 //on tiktok
			@emoslvt // on snap

/1.brianna caprossi https://gyazo.com/cc3994c493efd3f04e6fadf092b3335d
/2.lauren hnatow https://gyazo.com/92d6d0e0a33122830bff9f2256aab9ad
/3.sierra robitaille https://gyazo.com/d120e5ccbd435ad4583667a615e3922c