Table of Contents

0x0 ; reason for dox
0x1 ; basic info
0x2 ; pictures
0x3 ; socials
0x4 ; associates
0x5 ; house info


; 0x0


stupid nigger skid with ego - learned python and starts cracking everyones programs and brags about it skids shit off of other peoples githubs and claims its him + thinks he's a cool hacker man because he can decompile pyinstaller 


; 0x1


first, last: Arshan Shokoohi
ethnicity: indian i think
age: 15
phone #: (858) 668-7959
school info: 14840 Waverly Downs Way San Diego, CA 92128
sexuality: fucking gay
relationship status: dating his skid friends L
discord: Local#0001 (852342397631201280) (as of dox)
aliases: LocalTechNerd, Local, Arshan


; 0x2


dumb school review LOL: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/846925485257654274/859291364049813514/unknown.png

face pic LOLOLOLOLO:

ss of nigger blocking worldstar:

confirming last name:

pic of his house LOL:


; 0x3

github: https://github.com/LocalsGithub
website: https://arshan.xyz
website api: https://arshanapi.xyz
youtube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCPCe8F7PBQVOf8ixToK0INg
tiktok: https://tiktok.com/@LocalTechNerd
discord server: https://discord.gg/Z5GCs52caq (as of dox)          


; 0x4


all according to phone number lmfao

Shahriar S Shokoohi
Sherveen Shokoohi


; 0x5

addy: 7897 Alcamo Rd
zipcode: 92126
country: usa
state: San Diego, CA 
pic of his house LOL: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/852919354471350302/861263420572303370/unknown.png