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|Identity disclosure: https://vk.com/apestion / https://vk.com/id632132419 | Alexey Interamov / Alisa Bernstein / Illarion Lavrentiev / Maxim Dox(fake) / Alisa Crime(fake)
|IGN: kollneste, aliceterract, apestion | old game nickname: Mr_Gold_YT:2256tgm85 

✦︎| Full name: Potapov Dmitry Alekseevich
✦︎| Date of Birth: 08.09.2006
✦︎| Location: Russia, City of Perm
✦︎| Address: Russia, City of Perm, Bazhova Street, 18
✦︎| Phone number: +79082528944 (inactive) | +79370052113 (inactive) | +79082419848 (active)
✦︎| Mail Adress: potapovda64@gmail.com

✦︎ Educational establishment:
| Perm school №102
| Site: http://school102perm.ru/
| VK: https://vk.com/petroleum_plus_perm
| Address: 614036, Perm, st. Mira 92.
| Tel: (342) 226-03-80 (secretary).
| Email: vshkola102@permedu.online


✦︎ Photos:
| https://imgur.com/VK1xQM2
| https://imgur.com/S1YLvH6
| https://imgur.com/undefined
| https://imgur.com/HTrQ3sU
| https://imgur.com/sl9sr3k


✦︎ Additional social networks:
| https://ok.ru/profile/599661733400
| https://osu.ppy.sh/users/aliceterract
| https://www.pinterest.com/aliceterract/
| https://github.com/aliceterract
| https://www.twitch.tv/aliceterract
| TG: @kddkdkdnw | ID: 5741497572


✦︎ Old social networks:
| http://vk.com/id258940414 - old account (deleted)
| http://vk.com/id462095773 - old account (deleted)
| http://vk.com/id602511621 - old account (deleted)
| https://vk.com/id632132419 - twink (deleted)
| https://vk.com/id786137750 - active account
| https://ok.ru/profile/599661733400 - twink (unactive)
| https://ok.ru/profile/569393387216 - old account (unactive)
VK Communities:
- vk.com/club127800904
- vk.com/club137613772
- vk.com/club195344231
- vk.com/club196201002
- vk.com/club196201209
- vk.com/club196202862
- vk.com/club196215928

✦︎ Relatives:

| https://vk.com/id57033478
| https://ok.ru/profile/566296277154
| Additionally: - +79519291556
|Full name - Potapov Alexey Anatolievich

| Father's passport details: 01VG860295
| Document: SV-VO on the birth of the Russian Federation |-VG 860295 (06.12.2006)=======
| Snils number: 11498393689
| Tax number: 592104567504


Mother: His mother is dead, but he has a foster mother
| https://vk.com/id566567803
| https://ok.ru/profile/551299551316
|Name - Natalia Nikitova (Potapova)


| https://vk.com/id528615746
| Additionally: +79526408421
|Full name - Potapova Uliana Alekseevna

|Street address: AKADEMIKA VAVILOV. KV.10. Building 9


| https://vk.com/id518393727
|Full name: Potapov Danil Alekseev


| https://ok.ru/profile/592173319967
|Name: Anatoly Potapov


✦ Additional Information:     
├ ID: 7908
├ Name: RileyHaiso
├ Email: potapovda64@gmail.com
├ Password: _binary


├ IP:
├ Hostname: net38-151.perm.ertelecom.ru
├ City: Perm
├ Region: Perm Krai
├ Country: Russia
├ Coordinates: 58.0105,56.2502
├ Provider: AS12768 JSC "ER-Telecom Holding"
